.jpg)
1.
"Kindness
is
the
language
which
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"
–
Mark
Twain
【温柔】
2.
"Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
"
–
Wendy
Mass
【温柔】
3.
"A
single
act
of
kindness
throws
out
roots
in
all
directions,
and
the
roots
spring
up
and
make
new
trees.
"
–
Amelia
Earhart
【温柔】
4.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
kindness
and
your
time.
"
–
Debasish
Mridha
【温柔】
5.
"Always
remember
that
the
greatest
gift
you
can
give
is
not
always
found
in
the
things
you
can
see
or
touch,
but
rather
in
the
way
you
make
others
feel.
"
–
Anonymous
【温柔】
6.
"A
warm
smile
is
the
universal
language
of
kindness.
"
–
William
Arthur
Ward
【温柔】
7.
"Kind
words
are
like
honey;
sweet
to
the
soul
and
healing
to
the
bones.
"
–
Proverbs
16:24
【温柔】
8.
"No
act
of
kindness,
no
matter
how
small,
is
ever
wasted.
"
–
Aesop
【温柔】
9.
"Do
your
little
bit
of
good
where
you
are;
it's
those
little
bits
of
good
put
together
that
overwhelm
the
world.
"
–
Desmond
Tutu
【温柔】
10.
"The
essence
of
all
beautiful
art,
all
great
art,
is
gratitude.
"
–
Friedrich
Nietzsche
【温柔】
11.
"If
you
want
to
lift
yourself
up,
lift
up
someone
else.
"
–
Booker
T.
Washington
【温柔】
12.
"We
rise
by
lifting
others.
"
–
Robert
Ingersoll
【温柔】
13.
"Kindness
is
a
language
which
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"
–
Helen
Keller
【温柔】
14.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
If
you
haven't
found
it
yet,
keep
looking.
Don't
settle.
"
–
Steve
Jobs
【温柔】
15.
"Kindness
is
the
sunshine
in
which
virtue
grows.
"
–
Robert
Green
Ingersoll
【温柔】
16.
"To
be
kind
is
more
important
than
to
be
right.
Many
times
what
people
need
is
not
a
brilliant
mind
that
speaks,
but
a
special
heart
that
listens.
"
–
Anonymous
【温柔】
17.
"You
can
give
without
loving,
but
you
can
never
love
without
giving.
"
–
Robert
Louis
Stevenson
【温柔】
18.
"Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
"
–
Plato
【温柔】
19.
"Let
us
always
meet
each
other
with
a
smile,
for
the
smile
is
the
beginning
of
love.
"
–
Mother
Teresa
【温柔】
20.
"The
best
way
to
find
yourself
is
to
lose
yourself
in
the
service
of
others.
"
–
Mahatma
Gandhi
【温柔】