.jpg)
1.
"Winter
is
not
a
season,
it's
a
feeling.
"
【感受冬天的心情】
2.
"In
the
midst
of
winter,
found
within
me
an
invincible
summer.
"
-
Albert
Camus
【在冬天中,找到不可战胜的夏天】
3.
"Winter
is
the
time
for
comfort,
for
good
food
and
warmth,
for
the
touch
of
a
friendly
hand
and
for
a
talk
beside
the
fire.
"
-
Edith
Sitwell
【冬天是舒适、美食、温暖、友善和炉火旁的聊天时间】
4.
"I
like
these
cold,
gray
winter
days.
Days
like
these
let
you
savor
a
bad
mood.
"
-
Bill
Watterson
【我喜欢这样冷、灰暗的冬天日子。
这样的日子可以让你尝尝坏心情的滋味。
】
5.
"Winter,
a
lingering
season,
is
a
time
to
gather
golden
moments,
embark
upon
a
sentimental
journey,
and
enjoy
every
idle
hour.
"
-
John
Boswell
【冬天是一个悠长的季节,是一个收集黄金时刻、开始一段感性之旅,以及享受每个空闲小时的时间。
】
6.
"Snowflakes
are
one
of
nature's
most
fragile
things,
but
just
look
at
what
they
can
do
when
they
stick
together.
"
-
Vesta
M.
Kelly
【雪花是大自然最脆弱的事物之一,但看看它们凝聚在一起时能做什么。
】
7.
"In
the
depths
of
winter,
finally
learned
that
within
me
there
lay
an
invincible
summer.
"
-
Albert
Camus
【在严冬深处,我终于知道我内心蕴含着不可战胜的夏天。
】
8.
"Winter
is
a
season
of
recovery
and
preparation.
"
-
Paul
Theroux
【冬天是恢复和准备的季节。
】
9.
"Winter
is
the
time
for
comfort,
for
good
food
and
warmth,
for
the
touch
of
a
friendly
hand
and
for
a
talk
beside
the
fire.
"
-
Edith
Sitwell
【冬天是舒适、美食、温暖、友善和炉火旁的聊天时间。
】
10.
"Winter
is
not
a
season,
it's
an
occupation.
"
-
Sinclair
Lewis
【冬天不是个季节,它是一个职业。
】
11.
"Winter
is
the
time
when
people
have
time
to
think
about
their
lives
and
the
world
they
live
in.
"
-
F.
Sionil
Jose
【冬天是人们有时间思考他们的生活和他们居住的世界的时光。
】
12.
"There
is
something
magical
about
winter
nights,
when
the
darkness
is
complete
and
the
silence
is
so
profound
you
can
hear
your
own
heartbeat.
"
-
Kate
Mosse
【冬夜有一种魔力,当黑暗完全降临,寂静无声,你能听到自己的心跳声。
】
13.
"Winter
is
the
time
when
nature
tries
to
teach
us
a
great
lesson:
create
your
own
warmth.
"
-
Mehmet
Murat
Ildan
【冬天是大自然试图教我们一个极为重要的课程:创造自己的温暖。
】
14.
"The
beauty
of
winter
is
not
just
in
the
snow,
but
in
the
stillness
and
the
quietness
of
the
world
around
us.
"
-
Betsy
Cañas
Garmon
【冬天之美不仅仅在于雪,更在于我们周围的世界的静止和寂静。
】
15.
"Winter
is
the
time
for
comfort,
for
good
food
and
warmth,
for
the
touch
of
a
friendly
hand
and
for
a
talk
beside
the
fire.
"
-
Edith
Sitwell
【冬天是舒适、美食、温暖、友善和炉火旁的聊天时间。
】
16.
"Winter
is
a
season
of
recovery
and
preparation.
"
-
Paul
Theroux
【冬天是恢复和准备的季节。
】
17.
"Winter
is
not
a
season,
it's
a
state
of
mind.
"
-
Eleanor
Lipman
【冬天不是个季节,它是一种心态。
】
18.
"The
first
snow
is
like
the
first
love
-
it
makes
everything
new
and
beautiful.
"
-
Anonymous
【第一场雪就像初恋一样,它会使一切变得崭新而美丽。
】
19.
"In
winter,
you
feel
the
warmth
of
your
loved
ones
more
than
ever.
"
-
Mehmet
Murat
Ildan
【在冬天,你会更多地感受到亲人的温暖。
】
20.
"Winter
is
the
time
for
snow
angels,
hot
chocolate,
and
cozy
nights
by
the
fire.
"
-
Anonymous
【冬天是雪天使、热巧克力和炉火旁温馨夜晚的时光。
】