.jpg)
1.
"Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
express.
"
-
Gerard
Way
【伤感语录大全】
2.
"It
hurts
to
let
go,
but
sometimes
it
hurts
more
to
hold
on.
"
-
Unknown
【国外名人伤感语录】
3.
"When
you're
happy,
you
enjoy
the
music.
But
when
you're
sad,
you
understand
the
lyrics.
"
-
Frank
Ocean
【简短语录】
4.
"You
cannot
protect
yourself
from
sadness
without
protecting
yourself
from
happiness.
"
-
Jonathan
Safran
Foer
【名人伤感语录大全】
5.
"Sometimes,
the
person
you'd
take
a
bullet
for
is
standing
behind
the
trigger.
"
-
Taylor
Swift
【国外名人语录】
6.
"Pain
is
inevitable.
Suffering
is
optional.
"
-
Haruki
Murakami
【伤感语录大全】
7.
"Memories
are
bullets.
Some
whiz
by
and
only
spook
you.
Others
tear
you
open
and
leave
you
in
pieces.
"
-
Richard
Kadrey
【简短名人语录】
8.
"The
scars
you
can't
see
are
the
hardest
to
heal.
"
-
Astrid
Alauda
【国外伤感语录大全】
9.
"It's
amazing
how
someone
can
break
your
heart,
but
you
still
love
them
with
all
the
little
pieces.
"
-
Unknown
【语录大全】
10.
"I
wish
could
turn
back
the
clock.
I'd
find
you
sooner
and
love
you
longer.
"
-
Unknown
【伤感名言】
11.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
-
Unknown
【国外语录】
12.
"At
some
point,
you
have
to
realize
that
some
people
can
stay
in
your
heart
but
not
in
your
life.
"
-
Unknown
【简短伤感语录】
13.
"The
saddest
part
of
life
is
saying
goodbye
to
someone
you
wish
to
spend
your
lifetime
with.
"
-
Unknown
【国外语录大全】
14.
"Love
is
so
short,
forgetting
is
so
long.
"
-
Pablo
Neruda
【名人伤感语录】
15.
"Never
make
someone
a
priority
when
all
you
are
to
them
is
an
option.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【伤感语录大全】
16.
"It's
painful
to
see
someone
you
love
with
someone
else,
but
it's
even
more
painful
to
know
that
you
love
someone
and
never
have
the
courage
to
let
them
know.
"
-
Unknown
【国外语录】
17.
"If
you're
feeling
sad,
remember
that
you're
not
alone.
The
sun
will
rise
again
tomorrow,
and
you
will
find
happiness
again.
"
-
Unknown
【简短伤感语录】
18.
"Grief
is
like
the
ocean;
it
comes
on
waves
ebbing
and
flowing.
Sometimes
the
water
is
calm,
and
sometimes
it
is
overwhelming.
All
we
can
do
is
learn
to
swim.
"
-
Vicki
Harrison
【国外名人语录】
19.
"The
best
way
to
get
over
someone
is
to
find
someone
better.
Or
just
go
out
and
party
like
crazy.
"
-
Paris
Hilton
【名人伤感语录大全】
20.
"The
way
sadness
works
is
one
of
the
strange
riddles
of
the
world.
If
you
are
stricken
with
grief,
you
can
feel
both
hating
and
loving.
part
of
you
will
desperately
want
to
stay
in
the
darkness,
and
another
part
of
you
will
want
to
find
a
way
out
into
the
light.
"
-
Lemony
Snicket
【伤感语录】