.jpg)
1.
“相约爱情,永恒不变的承诺。
”
【Love
is
about
promising
forever
with
each
other.
】
2.
“爱情是一场甜蜜的游戏,相约是一场终身的契约。
”
【Love
is
a
sweet
game,
while
commitment
is
a
lifetime
promise.
】
3.
“相约爱情,是人生最美的约定。
”
【Committing
to
love
is
the
most
beautiful
promise
in
life.
】
4.
“爱情不在于相遇,而在于相约。
”
【Love
is
not
about
the
encounter,
but
about
the
commitment.
】
5.
“相约爱情,是两颗心的默契。
”
【Committing
to
love
is
the
mutual
understanding
between
two
hearts.
】
6.
“在相约的路上,寻找自己爱情的模样。
”
【On
the
path
of
commitment,
find
the
look
of
love
within
yourself.
】
7.
“相约爱情,是拥有彼此的一生。
”
【Committing
to
love
means
having
each
other
for
life.
】
8.
“爱情的美丽在于相约的诺言。
”
【The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
the
promise
of
commitment.
】
9.
“相约不只是承诺,更是无尽的付出。
”
【Committing
is
not
just
about
promises,
but
also
endless
giving.
】
10.
“相约爱情,是无数个日日夜夜的陪伴。
”
【Committing
to
love
means
being
there
for
each
other
day
and
night.
】
11.
“相约爱情,从此不再孤单。
”
【Committing
to
love
means
never
being
alone
again.
】
12.
“真正的爱情,在于相约为彼此的幸福而努力。
”
【True
love
is
about
committing
to
making
each
other
happy.
】
13.
“相约爱情,从此我们要一起去创造美好。
”
【Committing
to
love
means
creating
a
beautiful
life
together.
】
14.
“相约爱情,是用生命诠释的承诺。
”
【Committing
to
love
is
the
promise
written
with
our
lives.
】
15.
“相约爱情,唯有真诚才能让它长久。
”
【Committing
to
love
requires
only
honesty
to
last
forever.
】
16.
“相约爱情,是心心相印的坚定信仰。
”
【Committing
to
love
is
a
firm
belief
in
each
other's
hearts.
】
17.
“相约爱情,是用爱情为对方做更好的自己。
”
【Committing
to
love
means
being
a
better
version
of
oneself
for
the
other.
】
18.
“相约爱情,永不言弃的勇气和信念。
”
【Committing
to
love
requires
courage
and
faith
to
never
give
up.
】
19.
“相约爱情,是守护美好的约定。
”
【Committing
to
love
is
a
promise
to
guard
the
beauty
of
life.
】
20.
“相约爱情,是一生爱情的标志。
”
【Committing
to
love
is
a
symbol
of
everlasting
love.
】