.jpg)
1.
오늘도
외로운
하루였어요.
[Today
was
another
lonely
day.
]
2.
나도
모르게
눈물이
흐른
적이
있어요.
[There
were
times
when
tears
flowed
without
me
even
realizing
it.
]
3.
숨막히게
슬픈
건,
또
다시
그리움이
물드는
거에요.
[What
makes
me
suffocatingly
sad
is
the
feeling
of
longing
that
keeps
seeping
in
again
and
again.
]
4.
너
없이
살
수
없단
걸,
지금
더
잘
알고
있어요.
[Right
now,
know
better
than
ever
that
can't
live
without
you.
]
5.
한
번
끝난
사랑은
다시
이어질
순
없나요?
[Can't
love
that
has
ended
once
be
resumed?]
6.
내일도
또
널
그리다
잠들겠지.
[Tomorrow,
too,
I'll
fall
asleep
after
yearning
for
you
again.
]
7.
난
왜
이리
외로운
건지
모르겠어요.
[I
don't
know
why
feel
this
lonely.
]
8.
내
마음에
들어온
사람이
나를
떠난다는
게
이렇게나
힘든지
몰랐어요.
[I
didn't
know
that
it
would
be
this
hard
for
the
person
in
my
heart
to
leave
me.
]
9.
눈물이
너무
많이
나와서
집중도
못하겠어요.
[There
are
too
many
tears
that
can't
even
focus
on
anything.
]
10.
내
맘이
죽은
것
같아요.
[It
feels
like
my
heart
is
dead.
]
11.
고민이
많은데
더는
표현할
힘이
없어.
[I
have
a
lot
of
worries,
but
don't
have
the
energy
to
express
them
anymore.
]
12.
너와
함께한
추억이
떠올라
눈물이
나요.
[Tears
fall
as
memories
of
the
time
spent
with
you
come
to
mind.
]
13.
나도
모르게
널
추억하고
있나봐.
[I
guess
I'm
remembering
you
without
even
realizing
it.
]
14.
이젠
내
마음에
들어와줄
사람이
없나봐요.
[It
looks
like
there's
nobody
who
will
come
into
my
heart
now.
]
15.
그때는
서로
이렇게
멀지
않았었는데.
.
.
[Back
then,
we
weren't
this
far
apart
from
each
other.
.
.
]
16.
니가
보고
싶어서
메아리쳐보는
건
정말
억울해.
[It's
really
unfair
that
have
to
keep
yelling
out
your
name
because
miss
you.
]
17.
이젠
그냥
잊으려
해요.
[Now
I'm
just
trying
to
forget.
]
18.
왜
나한테만
이런
일이
일어나는
걸까요?
[Why
is
it
that
only
things
like
this
happen
to
me?]
19.
지워내려도
너무나도
선명하게
남아있는
기억.
[Memories
that
remain
so
vivid
even
after
trying
to
erase
them.
]
20.
내일도
하루종일
널
생각하겠지.
[I'll
spend
another
entire
day
thinking
about
you
tomorrow.
]