.jpg)
1.
Walk
to
Remember】
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
2.
The
Notebook】
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
3.
Me
Before
You】
"Push
yourself
to
do
things
you
never
thought
was
possible.
Don't
wait
for
someone
else
to
do
it
for
you.
"
4.
The
Fault
in
Our
Stars】
"Some
infinities
are
bigger
than
other
infinities.
"
5.
The
Vow】
"Life
is
an
adventure,
but
love
is
an
epic
one.
"
6.
The
Great
Gatsby】
"I
was
within
and
without,
simultaneously
enchanted
and
repelled
by
the
inexhaustible
variety
of
life.
"
7.
The
Curious
Case
of
Benjamin
Button】
"You
never
know
what's
coming
for
you.
"
8.
La
La
Land】
"Here's
to
the
fools
who
dream.
"
9.
The
Perks
of
Being
a
Wallflower】
"We
accept
the
love
we
think
we
deserve.
"
10.
The
Theory
of
Everything】
"However
difficult
life
may
seem,
there
is
always
something
you
can
do
and
succeed
at.
"
11.
Eternal
Sunshine
of
the
Spotless
Mind】
"I
could
die
right
now,
I'm
just
so
happy.
"
12.
Days
of
Summer】
"You
should
know
up
front,
this
is
not
a
love
story.
"
13.
Before
Sunrise】
"Isn't
everything
we
do
in
life
a
way
to
be
loved
a
little
more?"
14.
While
You
Were
Sleeping】
"You
know,
people
do
fall
in
love
in
mysterious
ways.
"
15.
Silver
Linings
Playbook】
"Maybe
I'm
not
perfect,
but
neither
are
you.
"
16.
Moulin
Rouge】
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
17.
The
Age
of
Adaline】
"The
world
has
changed,
but
one
thing
remains
the
same:
all
these
years
I've
lived,
I've
learned
nothing
beats
a
good
story.
"
18.
First
Dates】
"I
don't
need
easy,
just
need
possible.
"
19.
Blue
Valentine】
"You
said
'for
better
or
for
worse.
'
You
said
that
to
me.
"
20.
About
Time】
"We're
all
traveling
through
time,
together,
every
day
of
our
lives.
All
we
can
do
is
do
our
best
to
relish
this
remarkable
ride.
"