1.
"Behind
every
smile,
there
is
a
story
you
don't
know.
"
【#Hurt】
2.
"The
pain
that
hurts
the
most
is
the
pain
that
is
not
visible.
"
【#InvisiblePain】
3.
"Sometimes
the
people
who
are
thousands
of
miles
away
from
you
can
make
you
feel
better
than
the
people
right
beside
you.
"
【#Distance】
4.
"The
worst
kind
of
pain
is
when
you're
smiling
just
to
stop
the
tears
from
falling.
"
【#SmilingPain】
5.
"The
scars
you
can't
see
are
the
hardest
to
heal.
"
【#InvisibleScars】
6.
"The
greatest
pain
that
comes
from
love
is
loving
someone
you
can
never
have.
"
【#UnrequitedLove】
7.
"No
one
notices
your
tears,
no
one
notices
your
sadness,
no
one
notices
your
pains,
but
everyone
notices
your
mistakes.
"
【#Invisibility】
8.
"Sometimes
the
strongest
people
are
the
ones
who
love
beyond
all
faults,
cry
behind
closed
doors,
and
fight
battles
no
one
knows
about.
"
【#Strength】
9.
"Trust
is
like
a
mirror,
you
can
fix
it
if
it's
broken,
but
you
can
still
see
the
crack
in
that
motherfucker's
reflection.
"
【#BrokenTrust】
10.
"The
hardest
thing
about
realizing
you
don't
love
someone
is
that
you
have
to
find
the
courage
to
tell
them.
"
【#LostLove】
11.
"Sometimes
all
you
can
do
is
lie
in
bed
and
wonder
if
you'll
ever
have
the
strength
to
get
up
again.
"
【#Depression】
12.
"The
more
you
show
your
true
feelings,
the
more
people
find
ways
to
hurt
you.
"
【#HurtFeelings】
13.
"They
ignore
you
until
they
need
you,
love
you
until
they
lose
you,
and
push
you
away
until
they
realize
they
need
you
back.
"
【#Neglect】
14.
"One
of
the
saddest
things
in
life
is
when
two
people
who
are
meant
to
be
together,
end
up
hurting
each
other.
"
【#UntimelyFate】
15.
"Don't
be
reckless
with
other
people's
hearts,
and
don't
put
up
with
people
that
are
reckless
with
yours.
"
【#RecklessLove】
16.
"The
hardest
part
of
being
strong
is
when
everyone
else
thinks
you're
weak.
"
【#InnerStrength】
17.
"Some
people
come
into
our
lives
and
leave
footprints
on
our
hearts,
while
others
come
into
our
lives
and
make
us
want
to
leave
footprints
on
their
face.
"
【#Impact】
18.
"If
someone
really
loves
you,
no
matter
how
many
other
people
they
meet,
their
feelings
for
you
wouldn't
change.
real
lover
stays
loyal
no
matter
what.
"
【#Loyalty】
19.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
never
to
have
loved
at
all.
"
【#LostLove】
20.
"In
life,
we
have
a
lot
to
lose,
but
in
the
end,
what
we
remember
most
is
the
love
we
gave
away.
"
【#Love】