1.
"Feeling
hoppy
and
content,
enjoying
the
simple
things
in
life.
"
【#GratefulFrog】
2.
"My
froggy
friends
and
may
have
different
personalities,
but
that
doesn't
stop
us
from
ribbiting
along
together.
"
【#FrogSquadGoals】
3.
"Just
because
we're
amphibians
doesn't
mean
we
can't
have
a
green
thumb.
"
【#FrogGardening】
4.
"Thinking
about
the
benefits
of
living
near
a
pond
-
lots
of
space
to
jump
and
play!"
【#PondLife】
5.
"Some
days
just
like
to
sit
back
and
reflect
on
my
tadpole
days.
"
【#FrogThrowback】
6.
"Frogs
have
feelings
too
-
let's
all
strive
to
be
kind
to
each
other.
"
【#LeapOfLove】
7.
"Learning
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
our
surroundings,
even
in
the
midst
of
a
rainstorm.
"
【#RainyDayThoughts】
8.
"Feeling
a
bit
froggy
-
better
grab
my
lily
pad
and
jump!"
【#FrogFitness】
9.
"Toad-ally
ready
for
spring
to
arrive
-
bring
on
the
sunshine!"
【#SpringAhead】
10.
"Just
because
we
have
webbed
feet
doesn't
mean
we
don't
love
a
cozy
blanket
on
a
chilly
evening.
"
【#FrogChill】
11.
"No
lily
pad
is
too
small
for
me
-
I'll
make
it
work!"
【#PerseveranceFrog】
12.
"Can't
decide
what's
better
-
catching
a
fly
or
snuggling
up
with
a
friend?"
【#FrogDilemma】
13.
"Reflecting
on
how
far
I've
come
-
from
tadpole
to
full-grown
frog!"
【#FrogGrowth】
14.
"The
sound
of
the
nearby
stream
is
like
music
to
my
ears
-
so
soothing!"
【#FrogSerenade】
15.
"Courage
comes
in
all
shapes
and
sizes,
even
in
the
form
of
a
tiny
frog.
"
【#CourageousLeap】
16.
"Excited
to
see
new
tadpoles
in
the
pond
-
the
circle
of
life
continues!"
【#NewBeginnings】
17.
"Just
taking
a
moment
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
nature
-
it's
truly
wondrous.
"
【#NatureLove】
18.
"Frogs
have
a
lot
to
teach
us
about
resilience
and
adaptability
-
ribbit
on!"
【#FrogWisdom】
19.
"Living
in
the
moment,
enjoying
the
present
-
that's
the
froggy
way!"
【#CarpeDiemFrog】
20.
"Feeling
blessed
to
have
such
wonderful
froggy
friends
-
cheers
to
many
more
ribbiting
adventures
together!"
【#FrogBFFs】