.jpg)
1.
"A
well-tailored
suit
is
to
women
what
lingerie
is
to
men.
"
【品味男士,不能缺少定制西装。
】
2.
"A
gentleman's
attire
is
an
extension
of
his
personality;
it
should
complement
it,
not
overwhelm
it.
"
【衣着应该体现出绅士的气质,而不是掩盖他的个性。
】
3.
"Good
grooming
is
not
just
about
looking
good,
it's
about
feeling
good.
"
【好的仪容仪表不仅仅是为了外貌,更是为了自我感觉。
】
4.
"A
good
watch
doesn't
just
tell
time,
it
speaks
volumes
about
the
wearer's
taste
and
style.
"
【好的手表不仅仅是为了看时间,更是展现穿戴者的品味和风格。
】
5.
"The
smell
of
a
great
cologne
is
like
the
finishing
touch
on
a
work
of
art.
"
【品味男士应该不仅关注外观,也要注重肌肤和香气的护理。
】
6.
"Accessories
are
like
the
seasoning
in
a
dish;
they
add
flavor
and
make
it
complete.
"
【好的配件就像佳肴中的调味品,能够增添风味,使其更完美。
】
7.
"A
man's
shoes
are
the
first
thing
a
woman
notices;
make
sure
they
leave
a
lasting
impression.
"
【鞋子是男人最先被女人注意到的地方,一定要留下深刻的印象。
】
8.
"Tasteful
jewelry
can
elevate
a
man's
look
from
ordinary
to
extraordinary.
"
【好的珠宝能够把男人的形象从普通提升到非凡。
】
9.
"The
art
of
dressing
well
is
not
just
about
putting
together
a
stylish
outfit,
it's
about
having
the
confidence
to
carry
it
off.
"
【不仅是礼服,在穿着每一个衣着上,都应该深刻体会它所隐含的含义。
】
10.
"Invest
in
quality
clothing
and
accessories;
they
will
pay
dividends
in
the
long
run.
"
【投资高品质的服装和配饰,它们将在长期中给你带来回报。
】
11.
"A
well-groomed
beard
can
be
a
man's
most
distinguished
feature.
"
【精心修剪的胡须能成为男人最有特色的标志之一。
】
12.
"Fashion
fades,
but
style
is
eternal.
"
【流行易逝,经典永存。
】
13.
"A
refined
palate
is
just
as
important
as
refined
fashion
sense;
cultivate
both.
"
【品味美食和时尚同样重要,应该并行不悖地发展。
】
14.
"A
leather
wallet
is
a
man's
best
friend;
it
never
judges,
it
only
holds.
"
【皮质钱包是男人最好的朋友,它不会评判你,只会安全保管你的财物。
】
15.
"The
right
hat
can
transform
a
man's
look
from
mundane
to
magnificent.
"
【正确的帽子,能够把男人的形象从平凡变为壮观。
】
16.
"Perfume
is
an
invisible
accessory;
it
should
enhance
your
presence,
not
announce
it.
"
【香水是一种看不见的配件,应该增强你的存在感而不是宣告你的存在。
】
17.
"Accessories
are
not
just
for
women;
a
stylish
man
knows
how
to
incorporate
them
into
his
wardrobe.
"
【配件不是只适用于女性,时尚的男人也应该知道如何将它们融入到自己的衣橱中。
】
18.
"A
well-crafted
leather
briefcase
is
the
ultimate
accessory
for
the
modern
man.
"
【精心制作的皮革公文包是现代男性的最终配件。
】
19.
"The
right
pair
of
sunglasses
can
make
even
a
bad
day
feel
a
little
bit
brighter.
"
【正确的太阳镜,即便在不好的日子里,也能使你感受到阳光的温暖。
】
20.
"Clothes
don't
make
the
man,
but
they
certainly
help
make
him
look
his
best.
"
【穿什么衣服并不能代表一个人的全部,但确实可以让他更好看。
】