.jpg)
1.
"Don't
worry,
my
dear
friend,
I'll
always
be
here
for
you,
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【友情相伴】
2.
"I
know
things
may
seem
tough
right
now,
but
trust
me,
they
will
get
better.
"
【独木不成林】
3.
"Sending
lots
of
positive
vibes
and
virtual
hugs
your
way,
my
friend.
"
【友情温暖你我】
4.
"Whatever
you're
going
through,
know
that
it's
just
a
phase
and
it
too
shall
pass.
"
【勇敢面对困难】
5.
"You're
not
alone
in
this,
I'm
right
here
by
your
side.
"
【守望相助】
6.
"I
may
not
have
all
the
answers,
but
promise
to
listen
and
offer
a
shoulder
to
lean
on.
"
【倾听你的心声】
7.
"This
too
shall
pass,
and
when
it
does,
you'll
look
back
and
be
proud
of
how
far
you've
come.
"
【坚信未来更美好】
8.
"May
our
friendship
be
a
ray
of
sunshine
on
the
cloudy
days.
"
【友谊如阳光般温暖】
9.
"I
believe
in
you,
my
friend,
and
know
you'll
get
through
this.
"
【相信你的力量】
10.
"You're
stronger
than
you
think,
and
I'm
here
to
remind
you
of
that.
"
【打起精神,共度难关】
11.
"Sometimes
things
fall
apart,
but
they
can
also
fall
into
place.
"
【生活因你而精彩】
12.
"Remember,
tough
times
never
last,
but
tough
people
do.
"
【坚韧不拔,永不放弃】
13.
"Sending
you
love,
support,
and
all
the
good
vibes
in
the
world.
"
【爱与支持的力量】
14.
"When
life
gets
tough,
it's
the
perfect
opportunity
to
show
how
tough
you
are.
"
【逆境中展现坚强】
15.
"Keep
your
head
up,
my
friend,
better
days
are
ahead.
"
【保持乐观,幸福在前方】
16.
"I
know
you're
going
through
a
rough
patch,
but
you're
not
alone
and
you
will
come
out
of
it
stronger.
"
【平静温暖抚平疆场】
17.
"I'm
grateful
for
your
friendship,
and
I'm
here
to
offer
support
whenever
you
need
it.
"
【感恩有你,守护友情】
18.
"You
are
loved,
appreciated,
and
valued
more
than
you
know.
"
【将友情珍藏于心底】
19.
"Remember,
every
storm
runs
out
of
rain
eventually.
"
【雨过天晴,阳光重现】
20.
"Challenges
make
us
stronger,
and
have
no
doubt
you'll
come
out
of
this
a
warrior.
"
【挑战是升级的路上阵法】