.jpg)
1.
Friends
are
the
siblings
we
never
had.
】
2.
true
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
】
3.
The
greatest
gift
in
life
is
the
gift
of
friendship.
】
4.
good
friend
is
like
a
four-leaf
clover;
hard
to
find
and
lucky
to
have.
】
5.
The
best
mirror
is
an
old
friend.
】
6.
Life
is
too
short
to
spend
time
with
people
who
suck
the
happiness
out
of
you.
Surround
yourself
with
good
people
who
support
and
uplift
you.
】
7.
loyal
friend
laughs
at
your
jokes
when
they're
not
so
good,
and
sympathizes
with
your
problems
when
they're
not
so
bad.
】
8.
Friendship
is
not
about
whom
you
have
known
the
longest.
It's
about
who
came
and
never
left
your
side.
】
9.
The
language
of
friendship
is
not
words
but
meanings.
】
10.
true
friend
is
someone
who
is
there
for
you
when
they'd
rather
be
somewhere
else.
】
11.
The
soul
of
friendship
is
sincerity.
】
12.
Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
】
13.
Real
friends
are
the
ones
who
stick
around
even
when
it
feels
like
the
world
is
falling
apart.
】
14.
true
friend
is
someone
who
gives
you
total
freedom
to
be
yourself.
】
15.
Friends
come
and
go
but
the
true
ones
stay
like
an
octopus
on
your
face.
】
16.
The
best
kind
of
friend
is
the
one
you
could
sit
on
a
porch
with,
never
saying
a
word,
and
walk
away
feeling
like
that
was
the
best
conversation
you've
had.
】
17.
In
the
cookie
of
life,
friends
are
the
chocolate
chips.
】
18.
The
only
way
to
have
a
friend
is
to
be
one.
】
19.
true
friend
is
someone
who
reaches
for
your
hand
and
touches
your
heart.
】
20.
Friends
are
the
sunshine
of
life.
】