1.
Life's
outcomes
are
shaped
by
our
own
choices
and
actions.
【选择和行动决定了人生的成果。
】
2.
Sometimes,
the
most
beautiful
results
arise
from
the
most
unexpected
circumstances.
【有时,最美的成果来自最出乎意料的情况。
】
3.
Your
destiny
is
not
written
in
the
stars,
but
in
your
own
hands.
【命运并非由星象决定,而取决于你自己的双手。
】
4.
single
decision
can
sometimes
change
the
course
of
an
entire
lifetime.
【一个决定有时可以改变一生的轨迹。
】
5.
Life's
outcomes
may
not
always
be
what
we
had
hoped
for,
but
they
can
still
be
meaningful.
【人生的成果未必总是我们期望的,但它们仍然可以有意义。
】
6.
The
most
successful
people
are
not
those
who
have
never
failed,
but
those
who
have
learned
to
pick
themselves
up
after
a
fall.
【最成功的人并非从未失败过的人,而是那些在跌倒后学会站起来的人。
】
7.
Don't
be
afraid
to
take
risks
and
chase
your
dreams,
for
the
greatest
rewards
often
come
from
the
greatest
efforts.
【不要害怕冒险和追求梦想,因为最大的回报通常来自最大的努力。
】
8.
Life
is
not
a
sprint,
but
a
marathon.
The
key
is
to
pace
yourself
and
never
give
up.
【人生不是短跑,而是马拉松。
关键是合理分配自己的节奏,永不放弃。
】
9.
The
path
to
success
is
not
always
a
straight
line,
but
a
series
of
obstacles
and
setbacks
that
can
only
be
overcome
with
perseverance
and
resilience.
【通向成功的道路并非笔直,而是由一系列障碍和挫折构成,只有通过毅力和韧性才能克服。
】
10.
Life
is
like
a
puzzle,
with
each
outcome
representing
one
piece.
It's
up
to
us
to
make
sense
of
the
whole
picture.
【人生就像一道难题,每个结果都是一个碎片,我们需要把整个图案拼起来。
】
11.
The
choices
we
make
today
shape
the
person
we
become
tomorrow.
【我们今天的选择,塑造了我们明天的样子。
】
12.
True
success
is
not
defined
by
wealth
or
fame,
but
by
the
impact
we
make
on
the
world
around
us.
【真正的成功不是由财富或名望定义的,而是由我们对周围世界的影响定义的。
】
13.
Life's
outcomes
are
not
always
fair
or
just,
but
that's
no
reason
to
stop
fighting
for
what
we
believe
in.
【人生的成果并非总是公平或合理的,但这并不是停止为信仰而奋斗的理由。
】
14.
The
best
way
to
predict
the
future
is
to
create
it
yourself.
【预测未来的最好方法是自己创造它。
】
15.
Life
is
a
series
of
lessons,
and
the
outcomes
we
achieve
are
the
result
of
how
we
apply
these
lessons
in
our
daily
lives.
【人生是一系列的教训,我们所取得的成果是我们如何在日常生活中应用这些教训的结果。
】
16.
Life
is
not
about
what
we
have,
but
about
who
we
are.
The
greatest
outcome
is
to
be
the
best
version
of
ourselves.
【人生不是关于我们所拥有的,而是关于我们是谁。
最伟大的成果是成为最好的自己。
】
17.
Success
is
not
just
a
destination,
but
a
journey.
It's
about
the
person
we
become
along
the
way.
【成功不仅仅是一个目的地,更是一段旅程。
它关乎我们在旅途中成为的人。
】
18.
Life
is
full
of
surprises
and
unexpected
outcomes,
but
that's
what
makes
it
so
worth
living.
【人生充满了意外和出乎意料的结果,但这恰恰是使它如此值得期待的原因。
】
19.
The
greatest
outcomes
are
often
achieved
by
those
who
refuse
to
settle
for
mediocrity.
【最伟大的成果往往是那些拒绝接受平庸的人创造的。
】
20.
Life
is
not
just
about
winning
or
losing,
but
about
the
journey
we
take
and
the
impact
we
make
in
the
world.
【人生不仅仅是关于胜利或失败,更关乎我们所走的旅程和我们在世界上留下的影响。
】