1.
生死与共,与子成说
-
"To
live
and
die
together,
my
love"】
2.
相知无远近,万里尚为邻
-
"Our
love
knows
no
distance,
even
a
thousand
miles
away"】
3.
山水不相逢,妾心向难平
-
"Separated
by
mountains
and
rivers,
my
heart
longs
for
you"】
4.
愿与此身长命,偕老不离,永结同心
-
"I
vow
to
spend
my
life
with
you,
growing
old
and
never
parting,
forever
in
love"】
5.
情若两丝紫罗,愿作同心结
-
"Our
love
is
like
purple
silk
threads,
intertwined
in
perfect
union"】
6.
不以岁月长为恨,但以心意相通今
-
"Time
cannot
diminish
our
love,
for
our
hearts
will
always
be
in
sync"】
7.
爱更深,情更重,两情若是久长时
-
"Our
love
grows
deeper
and
stronger
with
time,
like
a
love
that
will
last
forever"】
8.
莫让相思成灰,愿与你共织爱的旅程
-
"Let
us
not
let
our
longing
turn
to
ash,
and
weave
a
journey
of
love
together"】
9.
与君同赏花清旷,待到情愫深重时
-
"Together
we
shall
appreciate
the
beauty
of
flowers,
until
our
love
becomes
stronger
and
deeper"】
10.
以情为帆,扬起梦想之舟
-
"Let
our
love
be
the
sail,
and
raise
the
boat
of
our
dreams"】
11.
流年似水,唯有相爱长留
-
"Years
pass
like
flowing
water,
but
our
love
remains
everlasting"】
12.
纵有万般情愫,又怎能比得上你
-
"Even
with
a
thousand
kinds
of
love,
none
can
compare
to
the
one
have
for
you"】
13.
不离不弃,情意相连
-
"Never
leave
each
other,
and
bound
together
by
unbreakable
love"】
14.
孤芳自赏,不及你陪伴
-
"Admiring
the
scenery
alone,
cannot
compare
to
being
with
you"】
15.
情意绵绵,像春风吹拂
-
"Our
love
is
gentle
and
continuous,
like
the
spring
breeze
sweeping
by"】
16.
爱情如痴如醉,只为你一人倾心
-
"Love
drives
me
crazy,
and
my
heart
belongs
only
to
you"】
17.
今生不离不弃,为你付出一切
-
"I
will
never
leave
you,
and
give
everything
for
you
in
this
life"】
18.
爱如红线,系住青春和未来
-
"Love
is
like
a
red
thread,
tying
together
youth
and
future"】
19.
红粉佳人如梦中,思君如画恰成仙
-
"The
beauty
of
a
woman
is
like
a
dream,
thinking
of
you
makes
me
feel
like
a
fairy"】
20.
情比金坚,不负你一世倾心
-
"Our
love
is
as
solid
as
gold,
and
will
never
let
you
down
in
this
life"】