.jpg)
1.
"Little
buds
have
so
much
potential,
yet
so
little
time
to
bloom
into
their
full
potential.
"】
2.
"Sometimes,
the
most
fragile
things
in
life
are
the
ones
that
leave
the
strongest
impact.
"】
3.
"Just
like
delicate
sprouts,
our
hearts
too
can
be
easily
broken.
"】
4.
"Every
flower
starts
as
a
tiny
bud,
just
like
every
dream
starts
as
a
small
idea.
"】
5.
"The
sight
of
new
life
can
bring
both
hope
and
pain,
for
it
reminds
us
of
what
we
have
lost.
"】
6.
"Amidst
the
gloom
of
life,
new
growth
always
finds
a
way
to
break
through.
"】
7.
"The
tender
shoots
of
spring
reflect
the
fragility
of
life,
yet
also
the
resilience
of
nature.
"】
8.
"The
beauty
of
a
flower
lies
not
just
in
its
petals,
but
also
in
the
struggle
it
took
to
reach
the
light.
"】
9.
"The
sweetest
things
in
life
often
come
in
the
tiniest
packages.
"】
10.
"Even
little
buds
can
leave
behind
a
lasting
legacy,
if
they
are
given
the
chance
to
bloom.
"】
11.
"Life
is
like
a
garden
-
sometimes
we
must
prune
away
the
dead
and
withered
parts
in
order
to
make
room
for
new
growth.
"】
12.
"The
purity
of
youth
is
like
a
fresh
sprout,
untainted
by
the
harshness
of
the
world.
"】
13.
"Just
as
a
plant
needs
nourishment
to
grow,
so
too
does
the
soul
require
nourishment
to
flourish.
"】
14.
"A
single
bud
can
hold
the
promise
of
a
whole
garden,
if
we
only
have
the
patience
to
see
it
through.
"】
15.
"The
fragile
buds
of
spring
remind
us
to
take
pleasure
in
the
little
things,
for
they
are
often
the
most
precious.
"】
16.
"Even
amidst
the
darkness
of
grief,
new
life
can
bring
a
glimmer
of
hope.
"】
17.
"The
beauty
of
nature
lies
not
just
in
its
grandeur,
but
also
in
its
smallest
details.
"】
18.
"Like
the
blossoming
of
a
flower,
the
healing
of
a
heart
takes
time
and
patience.
"】
19.
"A
tiny
shoot
can
defy
the
odds
and
grow
into
a
mighty
tree,
if
it
is
given
enough
time
and
care.
"】
20.
"Just
as
light
is
needed
for
a
flower
to
bloom,
hope
is
needed
for
a
heart
to
heal.
"】