.jpg)
1.
我不要你完美,我只想要你的心【Perfect
is
not
what
ask
of
you,
only
want
your
heart.
】
2.
爱情没有年龄限制,只要你心怀爱意【Love
has
no
age
limit,
as
long
as
you
have
love
in
your
heart.
】
3.
爱是一种感觉,无需理解,只需经历【Love
is
a
feeling,
no
need
for
understanding,
just
need
to
experience.
】
4.
最美好的爱情不是每时每刻在一起,而是分别时都想念对方【The
best
love
is
not
being
together
all
the
time,
but
missing
each
other
when
apart.
】
5.
爱情不是一场游戏,要慎重对待【Love
is
not
a
game,
it
should
be
treated
with
caution.
】
6.
在你需要我的时候,我会在你身边不离不弃【When
you
need
me,
will
stay
by
your
side
and
never
leave.
】
7.
我不在乎你的过去,只在乎你的未来【I
don't
care
about
your
past,
only
your
future.
】
8.
真正的爱情是相互扶持,无论遇到什么风雨都不会离开彼此【True
love
is
supporting
each
other,
and
never
leaving
each
other
no
matter
what
storms
come.
】
9.
爱情需要包容和理解,而不是控制和压迫【Love
requires
understanding
and
tolerance,
not
control
and
oppression.
】
10.
爱情需要付出,但不是牺牲自己【Love
needs
to
be
reciprocated,
but
not
at
the
expense
of
oneself.
】
11.
不要试图改变一个人去适应自己的理想【Don't
try
to
change
someone
to
fit
your
ideal
vision.
】
12.
爱是无私的,只要你的伴侣快乐,你也会感到快乐【Love
is
selfless,
as
long
as
your
partner
is
happy,
you
will
also
feel
happy.
】
13.
爱情不是占有,而是珍惜【Love
is
not
about
possession,
but
cherishing.
】
14.
爱情是一种感觉,可以细水长流,也可以短暂而激烈【Love
is
a
feeling,
it
can
be
a
lifelong
companionship
or
a
short
burst
of
passion.
】
15.
相爱容易相处难,但珍惜就能走得更远【It's
easy
to
fall
in
love
but
hard
to
get
along,
but
cherishing
each
other
can
make
the
relationship
go
further.
】
16.
爱情需要耐心和坚持,不要轻言放弃【Love
requires
patience
and
persistence,
don't
give
up
easily.
】
17.
爱情不是说出来的,而是做出来的【Love
is
not
just
spoken,
it's
shown
through
actions.
】
18.
爱情需要建立在互相尊重和信任的基础上【Love
needs
to
be
built
on
mutual
respect
and
trust.
】
19.
爱情需要空间和自由,不要试图掌控对方【Love
requires
space
and
freedom,
don't
try
to
control
your
partner.
】
20.
爱情是一场旅程,需要携手前行【Love
is
a
journey
that
requires
walking
hand
in
hand.
】