.jpg)
1.
"Trust
is
the
foundation
of
any
healthy
relationship.
"
【Trust
Matters】
2.
"Love
without
trust
is
like
a
rose
without
petals
-
it
may
look
beautiful,
but
it
lacks
depth
and
meaning.
"
【Love
and
Trust】
3.
"When
you
trust
someone,
you
open
up
your
heart
and
soul
to
them,
and
that
kind
of
vulnerability
can
lead
to
the
most
beautiful
connections.
"
【The
Power
of
Vulnerability】
4.
"Trust
is
a
two-way
street
-
if
you
want
to
receive
it,
you
must
also
be
willing
to
give
it.
"
【Mutual
Trust】
5.
"In
a
world
full
of
deceit
and
betrayal,
finding
someone
you
can
trust
is
truly
a
gift.
"
【The
Gift
of
Trust】
6.
"Trust
is
not
just
about
believing
someone
won't
hurt
you
-
it's
about
knowing
they'll
be
there
for
you,
no
matter
what.
"
【Unconditional
Trust】
7.
"Trust
is
built
through
small
acts
of
honesty,
kindness,
and
reliability
over
time.
"
【Building
Trust】
8.
"It
takes
courage
to
trust
someone,
but
the
rewards
of
a
trusting
relationship
can
be
immeasurable.
"
【Courage
to
Trust】
9.
"Trust
is
the
bridge
that
connects
two
hearts,
allowing
them
to
share
their
deepest
hopes,
fears,
and
dreams.
"
【Building
Bridges
with
Trust】
10.
"Without
trust,
love
cannot
flourish
-
it
becomes
a
mere
shadow
of
what
it
could
be.
"
【Love
and
Trust
-
Partners
in
a
Strong
Relationship】
11.
"Trust
requires
vulnerability,
but
it
also
requires
discernment
-
choosing
to
trust
those
who
have
earned
it,
and
being
wary
of
those
who
haven't.
"
【Wise
Trust】
12.
"Trust
is
not
a
one-time
gift,
but
a
daily
choice
-
each
day,
we
must
choose
to
trust
and
be
trustworthy.
"
【Daily
Choices,
Lasting
Trust】
13.
"In
a
world
where
trust
is
often
hard
to
come
by,
being
a
trustworthy
person
can
make
all
the
difference.
"
【Be
the
Trustworthy
Person
You
Want
to
See
in
the
World】
14.
"Trust
is
the
foundation
of
intimacy
-
without
it,
true
closeness
cannot
be
achieved.
"
【Intimacy
and
Trust】
15.
"When
you
trust
someone,
you
give
them
the
power
to
hurt
you
-
but
you
also
give
them
the
power
to
heal
you.
"
【The
Power
of
Trust
in
Healing
Relationships】
16.
"Trust
requires
both
faith
and
evidence
-
faith
that
the
other
person
will
do
what
they
say
they
will,
and
evidence
that
they
have
done
so
in
the
past.
"
【Faith
and
Evidence
in
Trust】
17.
"Trust
is
the
glue
that
holds
relationships
together
-
without
it,
even
the
strongest
bond
can
fall
apart.
"
【The
Glue
of
Trust】
18.
"Trust
is
a
fragile
thing,
easily
broken
but
difficult
to
repair
-
it
requires
constant
care
and
attention.
"
【Handle
with
Care:
The
Fragility
of
Trust】
19.
"When
you
trust
someone,
you
give
them
a
piece
of
your
heart
-
but
in
doing
so,
you
also
receive
a
piece
of
theirs.
"
【A
Heart-to-Heart
Connection
Built
on
Trust】
20.
"True
trust
is
not
blind
faith,
but
a
willingness
to
see
the
other
person's
flaws
and
shortcomings,
and
love
them
anyway.
"
【Seeing
Through
Flaws
to
the
Heart
of
Trust】