.jpg)
1.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
only
that
it
cannot
last
forever,
but
that
heartbreak
is
soon
forgotten.
"
【#Heartbreak】
2.
"I
have
cried
oceans
of
tears,
and
they
have
yet
to
dry
up.
"
【#EndlessTears】
3.
"The
pain
of
letting
someone
go
never
gets
any
easier,
no
matter
how
many
times
you
do
it.
"
【#LettingGo】
4.
"Time
may
heal
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
of
heartache
may
never
truly
fade.
"
【#ScarsofHeartache】
5.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
not
looking
back.
"
【#MovingOn】
6.
"To
love
is
to
risk
heartbreak,
but
to
not
love
is
to
never
truly
live.
"
【#RiskingHeartbreak】
7.
"Not
all
scars
show,
not
all
wounds
heal,
and
sometimes
you
can't
see
the
pain
someone
feels.
"
【#InvisiblePain】
8.
"The
saddest
part
of
goodbye
is
knowing
that
you're
leaving
behind
a
piece
of
yourself.
"
【#Goodbye】
9.
"In
the
end,
we
all
just
want
someone
who
chooses
us.
Over
everyone
else,
under
any
circumstances.
"
【#ChoosingUs】
10.
"It's
not
the
memories
that
make
you
sad,
it's
the
fact
that
they're
gone.
"
【#MissingYou】
11.
"No
matter
how
much
it
hurts
now,
someday
you
will
look
back
and
realize
your
struggles
changed
your
life
for
the
better.
"
【#Struggles】
12.
"The
greatest
tragedy
of
life
is
not
that
it
ends
so
soon,
but
that
we
wait
so
long
to
begin
it.
"
【#TragedyofLife】
13.
"The
only
thing
more
painful
than
heartbreak
is
regret.
"
【#Regret】
14.
"We
all
have
scars,
but
not
all
of
them
are
visible.
"
【#InvisibleScars】
15.
"The
only
way
to
love
someone
is
to
someday
say
goodbye.
"
【#SayingGoodbye】
16.
"Sometimes
we
have
to
let
go
of
what's
killing
us,
even
if
it's
killing
us
to
let
go.
"
【#LettingGo】
17.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
suffering
is
optional.
"
【#Pain】
18.
"It
takes
courage
to
love,
but
it
takes
even
more
strength
to
let
go.
"
【#Courage】
19.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【#PainfulGoodbyes】
20.
"Never
give
up
on
someone
you
can't
go
a
day
without
thinking
about.
"
【#NeverGiveUp】