.jpg)
1.
“The
best
thing
to
hold
onto
in
life
is
each
other.
”
【爱情合拍,无人可挡】
2.
“I
love
people
who
make
me
laugh.
honestly
think
it's
the
thing
like
most,
to
laugh.
It's
probably
the
most
important
thing
in
a
person.
”
【甜甜小心情,颜值加分爱情保鲜】
3.
“Paris
is
always
a
good
idea.
”
【爱情如梦,巴黎之行】
4.
“The
beauty
of
a
woman
is
not
in
the
clothes
she
wears,
the
figure
that
she
carries,
or
the
way
she
combs
her
hair.
The
beauty
of
a
woman
is
seen
in
her
eyes,
because
that
is
the
doorway
to
her
heart,
the
place
where
love
resides.
”
【美丽的你,全心全意的爱】
5.
“For
beautiful
eyes,
look
for
the
good
in
others;
for
beautiful
lips,
speak
only
words
of
kindness;
and
for
poise,
walk
with
the
knowledge
that
you
are
never
alone.
”
【优雅的你,一生一世的陪伴】
6.
“The
most
important
thing
is
to
enjoy
your
life
–
to
be
happy
–
it's
all
that
matters.
”
【幸福每一天,永远相爱】
7.
“I
decided,
very
early
on,
just
to
accept
life
unconditionally;
never
expected
it
to
do
anything
special
for
me,
yet
seemed
to
accomplish
far
more
than
had
ever
hoped.
Most
of
the
time
it
just
happened
to
me
without
my
ever
seeking
it.
”
【爱情有缘,自然而然的相遇】
8.
“Nothing
is
impossible,
the
word
itself
says
'I'm
possible'!”
【爱情无界限,只要你我共同努力】
9.
“The
greatest
victory
has
been
to
be
able
to
live
with
myself,
to
accept
my
shortcomings.
.
.
I'm
a
long
way
from
the
human
being
I'd
like
to
be.
But
I've
decided
I'm
not
so
bad
after
all.
”
【爱情磨合,渐行渐暖】
10.
“As
you
grow
older,
you
will
discover
that
you
have
two
hands,
one
for
helping
yourself,
the
other
for
helping
others.
”
【爱情互助,相伴到老】
11.
“I
was
born
with
an
enormous
need
for
affection,
and
a
terrible
need
to
give
it.
”
【相爱相守,天长地久】
12.
“Let's
face
it,
a
nice
creamy
chocolate
cake
does
a
lot
for
a
lot
of
people;
it
does
for
me.
”
【甜蜜爱情,像是一块巧克力蛋糕】
13.
“I
believe
in
pink.
believe
that
laughing
is
the
best
calorie
burner.
believe
in
kissing,
kissing
a
lot.
believe
in
being
strong
when
everything
seems
to
be
going
wrong.
believe
that
happy
girls
are
the
prettiest
girls.
believe
that
tomorrow
is
another
day
and
believe
in
miracles.
”
【爱情,美好的信仰】
14.
“The
most
important
thing
is
to
enjoy
your
life
-
to
be
happy
-
it's
all
that
matters.
”
【真正的幸福,来自我们对生活的热爱】
15.
“The
beauty
of
a
woman
is
not
in
the
clothes
she
wears,
the
figure
that
she
carries,
or
the
way
she
combs
her
hair.
The
beauty
of
a
woman
is
seen
in
her
eyes,
because
that
is
the
doorway
to
her
heart,
the
place
where
love
resides.
”
【爱情的美好,体现在内心深处】
16.
“I
don't
want
to
be
alone,
want
to
be
left
alone.
”
【爱情有时候,需要一点独处的空间】
17.
“There
is
more
to
sex
appeal
than
just
measurements.
don't
need
a
bedroom
to
prove
my
womanliness.
can
convey
just
as
much
sex
appeal,
picking
apples
off
a
tree
or
standing
in
the
rain.
”
【真正的性感,来自于自信美丽的内心】
18.
“A
girl's
got
to
be
fun.
”
【爱情需要有趣,才能长久】
19.
“The
most
important
thing
is
to
be
happy,
and
that's
all
that
matters.
”
【爱情的最终目标,就是幸福】
20.
“The
beauty
of
a
woman
must
be
seen
from
in
her
eyes,
because
that
is
the
doorway
to
her
heart,
the
place
where
love
resides.
”
【真正的美,从内心开始】