.jpg)
1.
"In
the
end,
it's
not
the
grades
or
the
accolades
that
matter,
it's
the
memories
and
the
moments
that
stay
with
us
forever.
"
【感慨毕业】
2.
"Walking
across
that
stage
may
signal
the
end
of
a
chapter,
but
it's
also
the
start
of
a
new
journey.
"
【迈向新的旅程】
3.
"Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
have
never
loved
at
all.
"
【别离之痛】
4.
"Through
all
the
challenges
and
struggles,
we
emerge
stronger
than
we
ever
thought
possible.
"
【挑战使人成长】
5.
"We
may
be
leaving
the
comfort
of
our
alma
mater,
but
we
carry
with
us
the
lessons
and
friendships
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
"
【离开母校,友谊长存】
6.
"It's
not
about
where
you
come
from
or
who
you
were
when
you
walked
in
those
doors,
it's
about
who
you
become
along
the
way.
"
【人生无限可能】
7.
"In
a
world
where
change
is
constant,
the
memories
we
create
will
be
our
anchors.
"
【记忆是人生锚定点】
8.
"Graduation
marks
the
end
of
one
era
and
the
beginning
of
another,
with
endless
possibilities
waiting
ahead.
"
【迎接无尽可能】
9.
"We
may
be
saying
goodbye
to
our
professors
and
mentors,
but
their
influence
will
live
on
through
us.
"
【导师启迪人生】
10.
"As
we
take
the
next
step
forward,
let's
remember
to
embrace
the
journey
and
enjoy
every
moment.
"
【珍惜人生旅程】
11.
"Graduation
may
be
the
end
of
a
formal
education,
but
the
real
learning
has
just
begun.
"
【毕业绝非止步】
12.
"The
diploma
we
receive
represents
years
of
hard
work
and
dedication,
but
it's
the
experiences
and
memories
that
truly
shape
us.
"
【毕业文凭背后的故事】
13.
"As
we
walk
out
those
doors,
let's
remember
to
keep
an
open
mind
and
a
compassionate
heart
towards
others.
"
【开放心胸,乐于助人】
14.
"The
friendships
we've
made
here
will
last
a
lifetime,
as
we
have
been
a
part
of
shaping
each
other's
lives.
"
【深交一生】
15.
"Graduation
is
both
an
ending
and
a
beginning,
as
we
look
back
on
our
past
while
also
looking
towards
the
future.
"
【回首往昔,展望未来】
16.
"As
we
leave
behind
the
familiar
and
step
into
the
unknown,
let's
remember
to
carry
with
us
the
values
and
lessons
we've
learned.
"
【带着经历,迎接未知】
17.
"Graduation
is
not
just
about
celebrating
our
achievements,
but
also
about
acknowledging
and
giving
thanks
to
those
who
have
helped
us
along
the
way.
"
【毕业感恩】
18.
"We
may
be
moving
on
to
new
chapters
in
our
lives,
but
the
memories
and
experiences
we've
shared
will
always
be
a
part
of
who
we
are.
"
【经历化为人生一部分】
19.
"As
we
embark
on
new
adventures
and
face
new
challenges,
let's
remember
to
stay
true
to
ourselves
and
our
passions.
"
【坚持梦想】
20.
"Graduation
is
not
the
end
of
our
education,
but
rather
the
start
of
a
lifelong
journey
of
learning
and
growth.
"
【学无止境,毕业是起点】