.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
battles
we
fight
are
the
ones
raging
within
us.
"
【#innerstruggle】
2.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【#enduretheheartache】
3.
"The
loneliest
moment
in
someone’s
life
is
when
they
are
watching
their
whole
world
fall
apart,
and
all
they
can
do
is
stare
blankly.
"
【#overcomeloneliness】
4.
"The
saddest
thing
about
betrayal
is
that
it
never
comes
from
your
enemies.
"
【#trustissues】
5.
"I
don't
know
what's
worse:
the
feeling
of
being
alone
or
being
surrounded
by
people
who
make
you
feel
alone.
"
【#lonelinessinacrowd】
6.
"Rain
falls
because
the
clouds
can
no
longer
handle
its
weight,
just
like
tears
fall
because
the
heart
can
no
longer
handle
the
pain.
"
【#rainandpain】
7.
"The
heaviest
burden
we
carry
is
the
weight
of
our
own
fears.
"
【#fightyourfears】
8.
"We
all
have
scars.
Some
are
on
the
surface,
and
some
are
on
the
inside.
But
they
are
all
reminders
that
we
have
survived
something.
"
【#scarsandstrength】
9.
"Sometimes
we
put
up
walls,
not
to
keep
people
out,
but
to
see
who
cares
enough
to
break
them
down.
"
【#wallsandcaring】
10.
"We
don't
always
get
the
closure
we
need,
but
sometimes
the
closure
we
get
is
realizing
that
we
don't
need
it.
"
【#findingclosure】
11.
"The
truth
hurts,
but
the
lies
hurt
even
more.
"
【#truthhurts】
12.
"It's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
with
someone
who
makes
you
feel
alone.
"
【#alonebutnotlonely】
13.
"You
never
know
how
strong
you
are
until
being
strong
is
the
only
choice
you
have
left.
"
【#strengththroughstruggle】
14.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【#unexplainedgoodbyes】
15.
"It's
not
the
goodbyes
that
hurt,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
"
【#flashbackpain】
16.
"You
can't
go
back
and
change
the
beginning,
but
you
can
start
where
you
are
and
change
the
ending.
"
【#changeforthebetter】
17.
"Sometimes
the
most
toxic
person
in
your
life
is
the
one
who
you
think
is
helping
you.
"
【#toxicrelationships】
18.
"The
only
thing
more
exhausting
than
trying
to
be
perfect
is
pretending
that
you
already
are.
"
【#perfectionism】
19.
"Love
isn't
always
enough
to
keep
two
people
together.
"
【#loveisntalwaysenough】
20.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay,
but
it's
not
okay
to
stay
that
way.
"
【#healingprocess】