1.
秋叶轻轻飘落,思绪也在漫游。
】
As
the
autumn
leaves
fall
gently,
my
thoughts
wander
aimlessly.
2.
红尘烟火,花开花落,岁月静好。
】
Amidst
the
hustle
and
bustle
of
life,
amidst
the
bloom
and
decay
of
flowers,
time
ticks
on
peacefully.
3.
静静地听着风吹草动的声音,感受大自然的美丽。
】
Listening
quietly
to
the
rustling
of
leaves
in
the
wind,
and
basking
in
the
beauty
of
nature.
4.
人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。
】
If
we
could
only
live
life
as
if
we
were
seeing
everything
for
the
first
time,
then
why
should
autumn
winds
bring
sadness
and
sorrow?
5.
繁花似锦,美不胜收。
】
The
world
is
filled
with
blossoming
flowers,
each
one
more
beautiful
than
the
last.
6.
明月清辉,照耀着我的心灵。
】
The
bright
moonlight
shines
upon
my
soul,
illuminating
my
innermost
thoughts.
7.
每一朵花都有其独特的故事,每一片叶都有其独特的韵味。
】
Every
flower
has
its
unique
story,
every
leaf
possesses
its
own
unique
charm.
8.
有时候,一句简短的话,却可以让我们在灰暗中找到光明。
】
Sometimes,
a
few
simple
words
can
give
us
hope
in
even
the
darkest
of
places.
9.
时间匆匆而过,却又留下了无数令人难忘的瞬间。
】
Time
passes
quickly,
but
it
also
leaves
behind
countless
unforgettable
moments.
10.
今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。
】
On
this
moonlit
night,
all
eyes
gaze
up
at
the
sky,
wondering
whose
home
sadness
and
longing
have
taken
up
residence.
11.
看看世间的繁华,走走人生的路途,才会明白什么是真正的幸福。
】
Only
by
experiencing
the
world's
grandeur
and
the
twists
and
turns
of
life
can
we
truly
understand
what
happiness
is.
12.
没有七彩的神话,只有真实的人生。
】
There
are
no
rainbow-colored
myths
in
life,
only
the
reality
of
human
existence.
13.
皎洁的月光,在寂静的夜中独自舞蹈。
】
The
bright
moonlight
dances
alone
in
the
silent
night.
14.
每个人都可以是一朵小花,在阳光下绽放出属于自己的美丽。
】
Each
of
us
can
be
a
little
flower,
blooming
in
the
sun
and
displaying
our
own
unique
beauty.
15.
人的一生只有一次,要活得精彩。
】
We
only
have
one
life,
so
we
must
live
it
to
the
fullest.
16.
当我们感受到世界的美好,就会感到生命的价值。
】
Only
when
we
feel
the
beauty
of
the
world
can
we
truly
appreciate
the
value
of
life.
17.
千里之堤毁于蚁穴,伟大的事业也要从一个小小的梦想开始。
】
great
undertaking
often
begins
with
a
small
dream,
while
even
the
strongest
dam
can
be
brought
down
by
tiny
ants.
18.
冬天来了,春天还会远吗?】
Winter
may
be
here,
but
can
spring
be
far
behind?
19.
生命是一场旅行,我们来来去去,终将离开。
】
Life
is
a
journey,
and
we
will
come
and
go,
eventually
leaving
it
all
behind.
20.
人类的历史有多长,自然的生命力有多强,这些都令人敬畏。
】
The
length
of
human
history
and
the
power
of
nature's
life
force
both
inspire
feelings
of
awe.