.jpg)
1.
The
gentle
breeze
of
summer
always
brings
me
a
sense
of
peace.
【和煦的夏风总是给我带来平静感。
】
2.
The
warm
sunlight
of
summer
makes
everything
feel
alive.
【夏日温暖的阳光让一切都充满活力。
】
3.
Summer
is
the
season
of
joy
and
relaxation.
【夏天是欢乐和放松的季节。
】
4.
The
fragrant
flowers
of
summer
fill
the
air
with
sweet
scents.
【夏日的芳香鲜花让空气中弥漫着甜蜜的香气。
】
5.
The
long
days
of
summer
give
us
more
time
to
enjoy
life.
【盛夏的长日子让我们有更多时间享受生活。
】
6.
The
hot
weather
of
summer
can
be
tiring,
but
nothing
beats
a
refreshing
swim.
【夏季炎热的天气可能让人感到疲惫,但没有什么比清凉的游泳更令人舒适的了。
】
7.
Summer
nights
are
made
for
stargazing
and
making
memories.
【夏夜是观星和留下回忆的最佳时刻。
】
8.
The
sound
of
waves
crashing
on
the
shore
is
music
to
my
ears
in
summer.
【夏日里,海浪拍打岸边的声音是最美妙的音乐。
】
9.
The
vibrant
colors
of
summer
always
bring
a
smile
to
my
face.
【夏季鲜艳的色彩总是让我面露微笑。
】
10.
The
taste
of
juicy
watermelon
is
something
look
forward
to
all
year
long.
【多汁西瓜的味道是我一年中期盼已久的。
】
11.
Summer
mornings
are
perfect
for
sipping
coffee
on
the
porch.
【夏季清晨,若能在门廊上小酌一杯咖啡,那是极好的。
】
12.
The
feeling
of
sand
between
my
toes
reminds
me
of
carefree
summer
days.
【沙粒间的触感让我想起无忧无虑的夏日时光。
】
13.
Summer
storms
can
be
scary,
but
the
sight
of
a
rainbow
afterwards
is
breathtaking.
【夏季的暴风雨可能令人感到恐惧,但彩虹出现后的景象却是令人惊叹的。
】
14.
Summer
vacation
is
the
perfect
time
to
explore
new
places
and
try
new
things.
【暑假是探索新地方、尝试新事物的绝佳时机。
】
15.
The
sound
of
children
laughing
and
playing
outside
fills
me
with
nostalgia
for
my
own
summer
memories.
【孩子们在户外嬉戏笑声的声音让我怀念自己的夏日记忆。
】
16.
The
feeling
of
a
cool
breeze
on
my
skin
is
one
of
the
best
sensations
of
summer.
【凉爽的风吹拂肌肤的感觉是夏季最棒的感觉之一。
】
17.
Fireflies
lighting
up
the
night
sky
is
a
magical
sight
that
can
only
be
seen
in
summer.
【萤火虫点亮夜空的魔幻景象在夏季才能欣赏到。
】
18.
Being
surrounded
by
nature
on
a
summer
hike
is
a
wonderful
escape
from
the
hustle
and
bustle
of
everyday
life.
【夏季徒步穿行在大自然中是逃离日常繁忙的绝妙选择。
】
19.
Summer
evenings
are
perfect
for
outdoor
barbecues
with
family
and
friends.
【夏季傍晚,与家人和朋友在户外烧烤是绝佳的享受。
】
20.
The
feeling
of
warm
sand
and
sun
on
my
skin
is
the
epitome
of
summer
relaxation.
【阳光和温暖的沙子覆盖在肌肤上的感觉是夏天放松的最好体现。
】