.jpg)
1.
gentle
smile
is
the
best
accessory
a
person
can
wear.
【温柔微笑的力量】
2.
The
gentle
caress
of
a
summer
breeze
can
be
the
most
soothing
feeling
in
the
world.
【柔风轻拂,宛如温柔的拥抱】
3.
gentle
touch
can
say
more
than
a
thousand
words.
【柔情似水,点滴真心】
4.
In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
a
little
bit
of
gentleness
can
go
a
long
way.
【温柔可以征服世界】
5.
Kindness
and
gentleness
are
the
best
weapons
against
hate
and
anger.
【善良和温柔是化解愤怒和仇恨的最佳武器】
6.
The
gentle
glow
of
a
candle
can
create
the
most
romantic
ambiance.
【温柔的烛光,点亮你我心间】
7.
The
soft
sound
of
raindrops
can
be
as
gentle
as
a
lullaby.
【雨声悠扬,宛如一首温柔的摇篮曲】
8.
gentle
breeze
can
carry
away
all
the
troubles
of
the
day.
【轻风拂面,轻松摆脱一天的烦恼】
9.
Sometimes
the
most
powerful
thing
in
the
world
is
a
gentle
whisper.
【轻语细语,谈天说地】
10.
The
gentle
rustling
of
leaves
can
be
music
to
the
ears.
【树叶沙沙声,听起来宛如一曲温柔的乐曲】
11.
gentle
hug
can
heal
all
wounds.
【温柔的拥抱,撫平一切的创伤】
12.
The
gentle
curve
of
a
smile
can
make
the
world
a
brighter
place.
【微笑如花,点亮世界每个角落】
13.
Gentle
words
can
build
bridges
and
mend
broken
relationships.
【温柔的话语,化解误解,修复感情】
14.
The
gentle
humming
of
a
purring
cat
can
be
the
most
calming
sound
in
the
world.
【猫儿的轻吟,沉淀心灵的平静】
15.
The
gentle
flutter
of
butterfly
wings
can
bring
a
sense
of
wonder
and
magic
to
our
lives.
【蝴蝶翩翩舞,带给我们美好的幻想】
16.
gentle
rain
can
bring
life
and
nourishment
to
the
world
around
us.
【温柔的雨露,滋润生命的每一寸土地】
17.
The
gentle
glow
of
the
sunrise
can
be
the
most
beautiful
sight
in
the
world.
【日出东方,柔和的阳光洒向大地】
18.
gentle
ocean
breeze
can
carry
our
dreams
and
hopes
to
distant
shores.
【海风拂面,远方的梦想在召唤】
19.
The
gentle
warmth
of
a
loved
one's
embrace
can
be
the
safest
place
in
the
world.
【摯爱的拥抱,萦绕在心间的温馨安全】
20.
The
gentle
touch
of
nature
can
heal
our
souls
and
bring
us
back
to
ourselves.
【自然的触动,细腻温柔,唤醒心灵深处的自我】