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1.
每天上班路上,时间变成了最珍贵的资源。
【Time
is
of
the
essence
on
your
daily
commute.
】
2.
随时更新你的播客清单,让慢车速度变得不那么枯燥。
【Refresh
your
podcast
playlist
and
make
your
slow
commute
less
tedious.
】
3.
遇到交通堵塞时,放松一下自己,压力是自己给自己的。
【Relax
in
traffic
and
remember
that
stress
is
self-inflicted.
】
4.
坐公共交通的好处之一是可以利用时间来阅读或工作,成为高效率的你。
【One
benefit
of
taking
public
transportation:
plenty
of
time
to
read
and
work,
making
you
more
efficient.
】
5.
以一个积极的心态面对每天的通勤,生活也会更加美好。
【Approach
your
daily
commute
with
a
positive
attitude
and
watch
your
life
become
brighter.
】
6.
用通勤时间做身体运动,保持健康的同时也让心情更愉悦。
【Exercise
during
your
commute
and
improve
your
physical
and
mental
health.
】
7.
遇到困难时,想想你的上司或客户等等,努力前行,才是每个职场人的必备品质。
【When
facing
challenges,
think
of
your
boss
or
clients
and
push
through
-
it's
a
must-have
quality
for
any
professional.
】
8.
坐着通勤车辆,望着窗外的路人景色,也可是一种放松心情的方式。
【Sitting
on
a
commuter
vehicle
and
watching
passersby
can
be
a
relaxing
way
to
put
your
mind
at
ease.
】
9.
在通勤的拥挤车厢里,学会给予周围人友善的微笑,愈加善良温暖。
【In
a
crowded
commuter
train,
learn
to
smile
kindly
at
those
around
you
and
become
kinder
and
warmer.
】
10.
提前做好计划,可是避免通勤时不必要的浪费,效率更高。
【Planning
ahead
can
save
you
from
unnecessary
time
wasted
during
your
commute
and
make
you
more
efficient.
】
11.
背上书包,听听轻快的歌曲,每天的通勤变得更加轻松愉悦。
【Carry
a
backpack,
listen
to
upbeat
music,
and
make
your
daily
commute
more
enjoyable.
】
12.
把通勤当作自己的私人时间,用来思考和规划你的未来。
【View
your
commute
as
private
time
and
use
it
to
reflect
and
plan
for
your
future.
】
13.
与人相处时,多一些耐心与体恤,可为你在公司里赢得更多朋友与忠诚度。
【Patience
and
empathy
build
friendships
and
loyalty
in
the
workplace.
】
14.
每一天通勤路上的不确定性,都在锻炼你应对压力的能力。
【The
daily
uncertainty
of
your
commute
builds
resilience
in
handling
stress.
】
15.
正确估计通勤时间,别让自己过早到达或迟到,既要有计划,还要有弹性。
【Estimate
your
commute
time
accurately,
arrive
neither
too
early
nor
too
late,
and
be
both
proactive
and
flexible.
】
16.
把手机放在一旁,放慢步伐,若是愿意就和一些陌生人聊聊天,也许能找到思路或有趣的对话。
【Put
away
your
phone,
slow
down,
and
strike
up
conversations
with
strangers
-
it
might
lead
to
fresh
perspectives
and
engaging
discussions.
】
17.
利用上下班的时间来补充知识,改变自己,实现自我价值。
【Utilize
your
commute
time
to
learn
and
grow,
and
to
fulfill
your
self-worth.
】
18.
想要逃避通勤路上的不便,交通工具并不是唯一的出路,你可以尝试骑自行车或走路,找到更适合自己的方式。
【If
you
want
to
avoid
the
inconvenience
of
your
commute,
know
that
transportation
is
not
always
the
only
option:
you
can
ride
a
bike,
walk,
or
find
your
own
way.
】
19.
交通堵塞时不要气馁,你可以在车内做一些简单的拉伸或按摩,保持精力充沛。
【Don't
let
traffic
jam
defeat
you:
do
simple
stretches
or
massages
in
your
car
to
keep
your
energy
levels
high.
】
20.
给自己打打气,告诉自己这段时间只是暂时的,坚持下去,美好的未来在不远处。
【Encourage
yourself
and
keep
in
mind
that
this
period
is
merely
temporary.
Hold
on:
a
brighter
future
is
right
around
the
corner.
】