1.
"And
among
His
signs
is
this,
that
He
created
for
you
from
yourselves
mates
that
you
may
find
tranquility
in
them;
and
He
placed
between
you
affection
and
mercy.
"
【Quran
30:21】
2.
"They
are
clothing
for
you
and
you
are
clothing
for
them.
"
【Quran
2:187】
3.
"And
of
His
signs
is
that
He
created
for
you
from
yourselves
mates
that
you
may
find
tranquility
in
them;
and
He
placed
between
you
affection
and
mercy.
"
【Quran
30:22】
4.
"O
mankind,
indeed
We
have
created
you
from
male
and
female
and
made
you
peoples
and
tribes
that
you
may
know
one
another.
Indeed,
the
most
noble
of
you
in
the
sight
of
Allah
is
the
most
righteous
of
you.
Indeed,
Allah
is
Knowing
and
Acquainted.
"
【Quran
49:13】
5.
"And
do
not
marry
idolaters
until
they
believe.
And
indeed,
a
believing
slave
is
better
than
a
polytheist,
even
though
he
might
please
you.
Those
invite
to
the
Fire,
but
Allah
invites
to
Paradise
and
to
forgiveness,
by
His
permission.
And
He
makes
clear
His
verses
to
the
people
that
perhaps
they
may
remember.
"
【Quran
2:221】
6.
"O
you
who
have
believed,
it
is
not
lawful
for
you
to
inherit
women
by
compulsion.
And
do
not
make
difficulties
for
them
in
order
to
take
[back]
part
of
what
you
gave
them
unless
they
commit
a
clear
immorality.
And
live
with
them
in
kindness.
For
if
you
dislike
them
-
perhaps
you
dislike
a
thing
and
Allah
makes
therein
much
good.
"
【Quran
4:19】
7.
"And
of
His
signs
is
that
He
created
for
you
from
yourselves
mates
that
you
may
find
tranquility
in
them;
and
He
placed
between
you
affection
and
mercy.
Indeed,
in
that
are
signs
for
a
people
who
give
thought.
"
【Quran
30:21】
8.
"And
Allah
has
made
for
you
from
yourselves
mates
and
has
made
for
you
from
your
mates
sons
and
grandchildren
and
has
provided
for
you
from
the
good
things.
"
【Quran
16:72】
9.
"And
of
His
signs
is
that
He
created
for
you
from
yourselves
mates
that
you
may
find
tranquility
in
them;
and
He
placed
between
you
affection
and
mercy.
Indeed,
in
that
are
signs
for
a
people
who
give
thought.
"
【Quran
30:21】
10.
"And
among
His
signs
is
that
He
created
for
you
mates
from
yourselves
that
you
may
find
tranquility
in
them;
and
He
placed
between
you
affection
and
mercy.
Indeed
in
that
are
signs
for
a
people
who
give
thought.
"
【Quran
30:21】
11.
"It
is
He
who
created
you
from
one
soul
and
created
from
it
its
mate
that
he
might
dwell
in
security
with
her.
And
when
he
covers
her,
she
carries
a
light
burden
and
continues
therein.
And
when
it
becomes
heavy,
they
both
invoke
Allah,
their
Lord,
"If
You
should
give
us
a
good
[child],
we
will
surely
be
among
the
grateful.
"
【Quran
7:189】
12.
"And
Allah
has
made
for
you
from
yourselves
mates
and
has
made
for
you
from
your
mates
sons
and
grandchildren
and
has
provided
for
you
from
the
good
things.
"
【Quran
16:72】
13.
"And
among
His
signs
is
this:
He
created
for
you
mates
from
amongst
yourselves
(males
as
mates
for
females
and
vice
versa)
that
you
might
find
tranquility
and
peace
in
them.
And
he
has
put
love
and
kindness
among
you.
Surely
in
this
are
signs
for
those
who
reflect.
"
【Quran
30:21】
14.
"Your
wives
are
a
place
of
sowing
of
seed
for
you,
so
come
to
your
place
of
cultivation
however
you
wish
and
put
forth
[righteousness]
for
yourselves.
And
fear
Allah
and
know
that
you
will
meet
Him.
And
give
good
tidings
to
the
believers.
"
【Quran
2:223】
15.
"And
of
His
signs
is
this:
He
created
for
you
mates
from
amongst
yourselves
(males
as
mates
for
females
and
vice
versa)
that
you
might
find
tranquility
and
peace
in
them.
And
he
has
put
love
and
kindness
among
you.
Surely
in
this
are
signs
for
those
who
reflect.
"
【Quran
30:21】
16.
"And
lawful
to
you
are
[all
others]
beyond
these,
[provided]
that
you
seek
them
[in
marriage]
with
[gifts
from]
your
property,
desiring
chastity,
not
unlawful
sexual
intercourse.
So
for
whatever
you
enjoy
[of
marriage]
from
them,
give
them
their
due
compensation
as
an
obligation.
And
there
is
no
blame
upon
you
for
what
you
mutually
agree
to
beyond
the
obligation.
Indeed,
Allah
is
ever
Knowing
and
Wise.
"
【Quran
4:24】
17.
"And
one
of
His
signs
is
that
He
created
for
you
spouses
from
among
yourselves
so
that
you
may
take
comfort
in
them,
and
He
has
placed
between
you
love
and
mercy.
Surely
there
are
signs
in
this
for
those
who
reflect.
"
【Quran
30:21】
18.
"And
of
His
signs
is
this:
He
created
for
you
mates
from
amongst
yourselves
(males
as
mates
for
females
and
vice
versa)
that
you
might
find
tranquility
and
peace
in
them.
And
he
has
put
love
and
kindness
among
you.
Surely
in
this
are
signs
for
those
who
reflect.
"
【Quran
30:21】
19.
"They
are
clothing
for
you
and
you
are
clothing
for
them.
"
【Quran
2:187】
20.
"And
speak
kindly
to
humanity.
"
【Quran
2:83】