.jpg)
1.
"Love
slipped
through
my
fingers
like
sand,
leaving
me
empty-handed
and
craving
its
touch.
"】
2.
"In
the
game
of
love,
sometimes
timing
betrays
us,
causing
us
to
miss
out
on
the
one
we
truly
desire.
"】
3.
"Regret
haunts
me
like
a
shadow,
reminding
me
of
the
love
let
slip
away.
"】
4.
"The
pain
of
losing
love
lingers
like
a
bittersweet
melody,
reminding
me
of
what
could
have
been.
"】
5.
"I
watched
as
love
danced
away
from
me,
leaving
me
to
wonder
what
if.
"】
6.
"My
heart
still
aches
for
the
love
never
got
to
experience,
forever
yearning
for
the
one
that
got
away.
"】
7.
"Sometimes
we
only
realize
the
true
value
of
love
when
it's
too
late,
and
it
slips
away
like
a
shooting
star.
"】
8.
"Love
knocks
softly
on
the
door
of
our
hearts,
but
if
we
don't
open
it
in
time,
it
will
walk
away
silently.
"】
9.
"Life's
unpredictable
timing
can
be
cruel,
leading
us
to
miss
out
on
the
love
that
was
meant
to
be.
"】
10.
"Love's
embrace
was
within
my
reach,
but
hesitated,
and
it
slipped
away
like
water
through
my
fingers.
"】
11.
"The
memory
of
those
missed
chances
and
what-ifs
haunt
me,
reminding
me
of
the
love
that
could
have
been.
"】
12.
"Love's
path
crossed
mine
too
late,
leaving
me
with
an
eternal
ache
for
the
love
never
had.
"】
13.
"They
say
love
waits
for
no
one,
and
learned
it
the
hard
way
as
it
slipped
away
into
destiny's
hands.
"】
14.
"Like
a
beautiful
butterfly
fluttering
by,
love
graced
my
life
briefly,
only
to
elude
my
grasp.
"】
15.
"Love's
whisper
beckoned
me,
but
was
too
blind
to
see,
and
it
faded
into
the
wind,
lost
forever.
"】
16.
"With
every
passing
day,
the
regret
of
losing
a
love
that
could
have
been
consumes
my
soul.
"】
17.
"Love's
timing
is
a
cruel
mistress,
teasing
us
with
possibilities
then
cruelly
snatching
them
away.
"】
18.
"What
could
have
blossomed
into
a
beautiful
love
story
now
remains
as
a
haunting
'what
if'
in
my
heart.
"】
19.
"Life
is
a
tapestry
of
missed
chances,
but
the
loss
of
a
love
unrealized
leaves
the
deepest
wounds.
"】
20.
"I
let
fear
and
doubt
rob
me
of
the
love
deserved,
forever
locking
it
away
in
a
chamber
of
regrets.
"】