1.
When
sound
fades
away,
a
new
world
of
silence
emerges,
revealing
a
different
kind
of
beauty.
【耳聋带来了新的美丽世界】
2.
The
absence
of
sound
isn't
a
curse,
but
a
chance
to
discover
new
forms
of
expression
and
perception.
【沉默不是诅咒,而是发现新形式的机会】
3.
The
sound
of
silence
can
be
deafening,
drowning
out
the
noise
of
the
mundane
world
and
bringing
us
closer
to
the
spirit
realm.
【宁静的声音也会震耳欲聋,淹没了平凡世界的噪音,让我们更接近精神领域】
4.
Hushed
secrets
can
create
a
bond
stronger
than
any
noise.
【悄悄话可以创造比任何噪音更强的纽带】
5.
While
losing
your
hearing
can
be
a
challenge,
it
can
also
inspire
a
new
appreciation
for
the
world
around
you.
【虽然失去听力是一项挑战,但它也可以激发对周围世界的新体验】
6.
Without
the
distraction
of
sound,
one
can
enjoy
a
deeper
connection
to
the
natural
world.
【没有噪音的干扰,我们可以更深入地感受到自然世界】
7.
Silence
is
a
canvas
on
which
the
imagination
can
paint
remarkable
landscapes
from
within.
【宁静是一块画布,我们可以在这里创造出内心深处的杰作】
8.
The
sound
of
a
heart's
whisper
can
sometimes
be
more
powerful
to
the
mind
and
soul
than
a
symphony
orchestra.
【心灵的呢喃往往比交响乐更具震撼力】
9.
Silence
is
an
invitation
to
listen
more
closely
to
our
own
thoughts,
and
connect
with
the
deepest
part
of
ourselves.
【宁静是邀请我们更加仔细地聆听自己的内心,与内心最深处的自己连接的机会】
10.
In
the
absence
of
sound,
the
presence
of
love
can
be
felt
more
vigorously.
【在没有声音的环境下,爱的存在会更加强烈地感受到】
11.
quiet
song
has
the
ability
to
tell
a
story
more
powerfully
than
any
loud
orchestration.
【静谧的歌曲有着比任何喧嚣的作曲更加强大的讲故事的能力】
12.
The
sound
of
silence
can
be
a
salve
for
the
soul,
easing
us
into
a
peaceful
existence.
【宁静的声音可以成为我们心灵的疗伤剂,帮我们进入平和的状态】
13.
Silence
is
a
reminder
that
everything
that
echoes
in
our
minds
originates
from
within.
【宁静提醒我们,我们心灵所回响的一切都源自内心】
14.
Rediscovering
the
joys
of
a
world
without
sound
can
unlock
a
new
appreciation
for
life's
simple
pleasures.
【重新发掘没有声音的世界的乐趣可以让我们更加珍惜生活的简单愉悦】
15.
In
the
stillness
of
the
night,
the
voice
within
us
becomes
clearer
than
ever
before.
【在夜晚的沉寂中,我们内心的声音变得比以往任何时候都更加清晰】
16.
Losing
the
ability
to
hear
can
embolden
us
to
see
the
world
from
a
different
perspective.
【失去听觉的能力可以让我们勇于从不同的角度来观察世界】
17.
Silence
has
the
power
to
calm
the
mind
and
renew
the
spirit.
【宁静有着平静心灵和恢复精神的力量】
18.
The
sound
of
silence
can
be
a
beginning
of
new
creation,
as
it
inspires
us
to
bring
forth
new
manifestations
of
beauty.
【宁静的声音可以是新创作的开端,它激励我们创造新的美的体现】
19.
When
we
accept
silence
as
our
friend,
we
become
more
present
in
the
moment,
and
more
connected
to
the
world
around
us.
【当我们视沉默为自己的朋友,我们会更加专注于当下,并与周围的世界联系更紧密】
20.
The
beauty
of
silence
is
that
it
can
be
experienced
by
everyone,
regardless
of
their
physical
hearing
abilities.
【宁静的美丽在于每个人都可以体验,不受听力的限制】