.jpg)
1.
"In
the
art
of
negotiation,
we
don't
just
communicate
with
words,
but
with
our
hearts.
"
【心与口相应,谈判方能成功。
】
2.
"A
good
negotiator
is
like
a
chameleon,
adapting
to
the
situation
and
changing
colors
when
necessary.
"
【像变色龙一样善变的谈判者才能处变不惊。
】
3.
"Negotiation
requires
both
the
strength
of
a
lion
and
the
wisdom
of
an
owl.
"
【对待谈判,需要狮子般的勇气和猫头鹰般的智慧。
】
4.
"Negotiation
is
a
dance
-
sometimes
you
lead,
sometimes
you
follow,
but
always
with
grace
and
elegance.
"
【谈判就像一场舞蹈,你有时在引导,有时在跟随,但总是要优雅自如。
】
5.
"A
successful
negotiation
is
not
about
who
wins
or
loses,
but
about
finding
a
mutually
beneficial
solution.
"
【成功的谈判不在于输赢,而是寻找一个互利的解决方案。
】
6.
"In
negotiation,
honesty
and
transparency
are
always
the
best
policy.
"
【在谈判中,诚实和透明永远是最好的策略。
】
7.
"Patience
is
the
key
to
a
successful
negotiation
-
rushed
decisions
often
lead
to
regret.
"
【耐心是成功谈判的关键,匆忙的决定往往会带来后悔。
】
8.
"A
skilled
negotiator
knows
when
to
listen,
when
to
speak,
and
when
to
stay
silent.
"
【熟练的谈判者知道何时倾听,何时说话,何时保持沉默。
】
9.
"Negotiation
is
not
about
convincing
the
other
party
to
agree,
but
about
understanding
their
needs
and
finding
common
ground.
"
【谈判并不是说服对方同意,而是理解他们的需求并找到共同点。
】
10.
"In
negotiation,
preparation
is
half
the
battle.
"
【谈判中,准备工作就是成功一半。
】
11.
"A
successful
negotiation
is
a
delicate
balance
between
assertiveness
and
flexibility.
"
【成功的谈判是自信和灵活的微妙平衡。
】
12.
"The
art
of
negotiation
involves
knowing
when
to
compromise,
and
when
to
stand
firm.
"
【谈判的艺术在于知道何时妥协,何时坚持立场。
】
13.
"In
negotiation,
a
win-win
outcome
is
always
the
best
outcome.
"
【在谈判中,双赢才是最好的结果。
】
14.
"A
good
negotiator
is
not
afraid
to
walk
away
from
a
deal
that
doesn't
meet
their
needs.
"
【一位优秀的谈判者不会害怕放弃达不到他们要求的交易。
】
15.
"Negotiation
is
not
a
battle,
but
a
collaboration
to
achieve
mutual
goals.
"
【谈判不是一场战斗,而是为了实现共同目标的协作。
】
16.
"The
most
successful
negotiators
are
those
who
can
think
creatively
and
outside
of
the
box.
"
【最成功的谈判者是那些能够创造性地思考,并打破常规的人。
】
17.
"In
negotiation,
it's
important
to
build
a
relationship
of
trust
and
respect
with
the
other
party.
"
【在谈判中,重要的是与对方建立信任和尊重关系。
】
18.
"A
good
negotiator
knows
how
to
turn
a
challenge
into
an
opportunity.
"
【一位优秀的谈判者知道如何将挑战变成机会。
】
19.
"In
negotiation,
it's
important
to
always
keep
a
cool
head
and
not
let
emotions
get
in
the
way.
"
【在谈判中,保持冷静头脑,不被情绪所干扰,非常重要。
】
20.
"Negotiation
is
not
about
power,
but
about
finding
a
mutually
beneficial
solution
that
works
for
everyone
involved.
"
【谈判并不是关于权力,而是找到一个对每个人都有益的解决方案。
】