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1.
跟随内心的脚步,去发现美好的世界吧!
【Go
on
a
journey
with
your
heart,
and
discover
the
beauty
of
the
world!】
2.
梦想是引领人们前进的路标,持之以恒,必将成功。
【Dreams
are
guideposts
that
lead
us
to
success
if
we
persist
in
our
endeavors.
】
3.
当人们没有了梦想,就像失去了灵魂。
【Without
dreams,
people
lose
their
souls.
】
4.
勇气是突破自我枷锁的力量,释放成长的潜能。
【Courage
is
the
power
that
breaks
free
from
self-imposed
limitations
and
unleashes
our
full
potential.
】
5.
就算路途再艰辛,只要还有一线希望,就要勇往直前。
【Even
when
the
road
is
tough,
never
give
up
hope
and
keep
moving
forward.
】
6.
跌倒了不是失败,坚持不懈才是胜利的体现。
【Falling
down
is
not
a
failure;
perseverance
is
the
true
mark
of
victory.
】
7.
每一次奋力冲刺,都是磨练成长的机会。
【Every
push
forward
is
an
opportunity
for
growth
and
strength.
】
8.
当你遇到挫折,别忘了向上看,那里有更广阔的天空等待你的征服。
【When
faced
with
setbacks,
don't
forget
to
look
up.
There's
a
sky
waiting
for
you
to
conquer.
】
9.
带着梦想,从自己的内心走出来,去抵达更远的彼岸。
【Have
a
dream,
and
step
out
from
within
to
reach
the
farther
shore.
】
10.
当你感到迷茫,别忘了相信自己,你会发现下一个转折点离你很近。
【When
lost,
never
forget
to
believe
in
yourself,
and
you'll
find
the
next
turning
point
is
closer
than
you
think.
】
11.
生命的意义,在于用自己的方式追求内心的渴望。
【The
meaning
of
life
lies
in
pursuing
one's
inner
desires
in
one's
own
way.
】
12.
美好的未来只属于永不言败的人们,一定要坚信自己的能力。
【A
bright
future
belongs
only
to
those
who
never
give
up,
and
have
faith
in
their
own
abilities.
】
13.
路在脚下,只要向前走,你就能抵达心灵的目的地。
【The
road
lies
ahead,
and
as
long
as
you
keep
moving
forward,
you'll
reach
the
destination
of
your
heart.
】
14.
当你沉浸在美丽的瞬间,别忘了留下足迹,成为历史的见证者。
【When
you
immerse
yourself
in
beautiful
moments,
remember
to
leave
footprints
behind,
and
become
the
witness
of
history.
】
15.
冲刺的过程困难重重,但正是这些挑战使得旅程更加丰富多彩。
【The
process
of
pushing
forward
is
rough,
but
it's
these
challenges
that
make
the
journey
more
colorful.
】
16.
有些事情需要靠汗水和坚持得到,才能获得真正的价值。
【Some
things
require
sweat
and
persistence
to
attain,
in
order
to
realize
their
true
value.
】
17.
人们最大的敌人是自己,只有战胜自己,才是真正的胜利。
【Man's
greatest
enemy
is
himself,
and
only
by
overcoming
oneself
is
true
victory
possible.
】
18.
人生的重要性,不在于你在何时成功,而在于在追求过程中是否获得成长。
【The
importance
of
life
lies
not
in
when
you
succeed,
but
in
whether
you
grow
in
the
pursuit
of
it.
】
19.
坚守初心,不断前行,那么你所梦想的未来,迟早会呈现在你的眼前。
【Hold
onto
your
original
faith,
and
keep
moving
forward,
and
the
future
you
dream
of
will
eventually
appear
before
your
eyes.
】
20.
冲刺,是一种勇往直前的姿态,是一种不甘平庸的精神境界。
【The
push
forward
is
a
forward-looking
attitude,
and
a
spiritual
state
that
rejects
mediocrity.
】