
编辑:admin- 2024-05-31 11:20:21





  1. 赞美食物美味的句子英语
  2. 描写厨房英语句子十句




The grilled fish in this family is really good* Its golden in color and fragrant* Its crispy outside and tender inside* Its green in skin and juicy in meat* Its full of color and fragrance*


There is no plum to break in the warm mountain, and the crab is unique to Jiang qing*


When a full with son, more Jianshi Ming floating chamomile*


From the moment you enter the kitchen, you are responsible for cooking* Its not about experience or position*


Pig meal in European and American kitchen, delicious beef meal in halal Chinese beef restaurant*


Yangzhou fresh bamboo shoots take advantage of shad fish, rotten cooking spring breeze in early March*


Eat three hundred lychees a day, do not refuse to be Lingnan people*

Only mutton soup was cooked in Qin Dynasty, and bear wax was used in Longhua*


When I first visited Tangan for rice and jobs tears, I could not reduce the carving of Hu Mei* Big as amaranth, white as jade, slippery like spoon fragrance*


Small chaos, small, thin skin, as long as a fish in the open water, you can put it into a bowl, eat a mouthful, delicious!


Food is nature* Chew quietly and savor gently* Its extraordinary*


I took the water bottle and poured boiling water into the cup* Suddenly, the Longjing tea in the water turned up and down like thousands of small fish* It was very beautiful*


Watermelon is not only delicious for its meat, but also for its skin* Remove the green skin and leave the white part* Cut it into pieces and stir fry it* Its a delicious dish*


Fresh crucian carp, celery and Bijian soup; Sichuan wine is invincible, and the fish is beautiful*


In the world, sweet and sour are as good as rivers*


As soon as the lid was opened, a strong smell of fish came, which aroused the slander in the stomach* On acid light smell not to eat, can also be slandered, appetite open!


The Sichuan people valued the celery buds and the turtle doves*


Beef hotpot of Chaoshan beef shop and farewell concubine of Shanghai best restaurant*


Taste gourmet, not taste menu, cook a pot of good food, not money*


When I see fish, my saliva flows* When I eat fish, I devour it*


Every city has its own street view and food, but without you, it seems to be the same*


This dish has all kinds of colors, which makes my mouth water* Look at the other dishes* They dazzle me*


Moms fish is delicious* Its fresh, tender and juicy*


The water and red dates are like the stars in the sky, blinking mischievous eyes one by one*


Look at the fish on the table* Its delicious! I cant help but eat them all into my stomach*


There are many varieties of watermelon, including the seedless melon with sweet Tianjin, the explosive melon with crispy skin, the water melon with much water, and the small and exquisite Phoenix melon*


The fish with pickled vegetables is very good-looking* There are a lot of hot peppers on it, as well as a lot of smooth and moist fish with pickled vegetables*


When you cut it with a knife, you can see the red melon meat* There is no seed in it* Before you eat it, you can smell a light fragrance* When you take a bite, the tongue on your lips is stained with red at the same time*

Small cakes, such as chewing the moon, contain crisp and Yi*


Shandong grilled chicken in Laokai kitchen and roast goose in Liangji roast wax shop*


Nostalgia is the missing of taste* No matter how many years a person has been wandering outside, even if his accent has changed, he still has infinite thoughts on the food of his hometown*


Snow foam, milk, flower, Scutellaria, bamboo shoot, spring plate* The taste of the world is Qinghuan*


When the sauerkraut fish first comes up, the fragrant fragrance will immediately come to you* The fragrance will fill the room, ensuring that your saliva will flow*


With woad, yam, taro, radish miscellaneous for it, do not apply jam, mountain paozhen cooking also*

There are rattan vegetables in Fenghu lake, which are like the soup of Ulva*


Those ice sugar gourd red, shining in the sun, I dont know how many children yearn for eyes*

〖One〗、Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医.

〖Two〗、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我.

〖Three〗、Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌.

〖Four〗、Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒.

〖Five〗、Eat to live,but not live to eat.吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭.

〖Six〗、Radish and ginger keep away from doctor.冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方.

〖Seven〗、Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃.

〖Eight〗、Nofrolicing dering the meal,no running after the meal.吃饭不要闹,吃饱不要跑.

〖Nine〗、A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入.

〖Ten〗、Wanna be healthy?Do please treat youself a nice breakfast.要想身体好,早餐要吃饱.

〖One〗、The words about food contains vegetables, fruits, drinks, meat and others.


〖Two〗、My favourite food is apples. Do you know why? Let me tell you.


〖Three〗、Not every day cream cakes instead of long fat man.


〖Four〗、An apple a day, keep the doctor away.

〖Five〗、I dont want junk food anymore. Id like to try some healthy foods.


〖Six〗、Healthy foods are more and more unpopular among pupils.

〖Seven〗、Healthy foods dont include most snacks as they are high in suger.


〖Eight〗、 Its time for you to swap your chips for a healthier diet.


〖Nine〗、Eat to live,but not live to eat.


〖Ten〗、Radish and ginger keep away from doctor.



Braised pork is tender, smooth, oily but not greasy* Its salty and sweet* In a moment, Ill eat six or seven pieces*


Those ice sugar gourd red, shining in the sun, I dont know how many children yearn for eyes*


This dish has all kinds of colors, which makes my mouth water* Look at the other dishes* They dazzle me*


No bamboo is vulgar, no meat is thin* Not vulgar and not thin, braised pork with bamboo shoots*


In Xinjin, there are no leeks in the world, three feet in color like goose*, and more meat in the east gate*


The roasted sweet potato is burnt and covered with ashes* Smell it, and the fragrant smell will enter your viscera immediately, making your saliva flow for 3000 feet*


The spicy oil is scattered in the bowl, red small pieces, absorbed by the soup, and then scattered into orange oil, floating quietly on the golden soup*


In golden autumn and October, the rice yellow crab is fat, and the famous Yangcheng Lake hairy crab is on the stage*


My mother put my fried shredded celery and pork on the plate* I cant wait to eat it* Its so delicious! Its delicious!


Salted duck skin is white, soft and tender, fat but not greasy, fragrant, fresh and delicious, with the characteristics of fragrance, crispness and tenderness*


Qionghaishanmei, Shuimei, Renmei, snacks are more beautiful, especially the coconut cake with clear color and coconut fragrance, which you will never forget!


Small chaos, small, thin skin, as long as a fish in the open water, you can put it into a bowl, eat a mouthful, delicious!


When I go back to grandmas house and open the door, there will be a strong fragrance coming to my face* I know its grandmas delicious fried vinegar*


Grandmas fried oysters are especially delicious* They are delicious, juicy, crispy on the outside and tender in the inside, which is an indelible mark in my childhood memory*



This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.

The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup.


They heard him running the kitchen tap.


Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner.


Water from the kitchen sink overflowed onto the floor.


Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean.

I stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil.


He sat in a kitchen chair, reached down and pulled off his boots.


He dropped a bottle in the kitchen and nicked himself on broken glass.


She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.

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