1.
"The
beginning
is
the
most
important
part
of
the
work.
"
-
Plato.
【元旦充满新的开始与希望】
2.
"Happiness
is
not
something
ready-made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【让元旦成为你幸福的第一步】
3.
"Cheers
to
a
new
year
and
another
chance
for
us
to
get
it
right.
"
-
Oprah
Winfrey.
【新的一年,翻过新的一页】
4.
"The
future
belongs
to
those
who
believe
in
the
beauty
of
their
dreams.
"
-
Eleanor
Roosevelt.
【相信梦想,拥抱未来】
5.
"What
you
get
by
achieving
your
goals
is
not
as
important
as
what
you
become
by
achieving
your
goals.
"
-
Zig
Ziglar.
【元旦,迎接更好的自己】
6.
"Every
accomplishment
starts
with
the
decision
to
try.
"
-
John
F.
Kennedy.
【元旦,勇敢地尝试,让未来更加美好】
7.
"The
secret
of
getting
ahead
is
getting
started.
"
-
Mark
Twain.
【元旦,从现在开始做出改变】
8.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
"
-
Christian
D.
Larson.
【相信自己,跨越重重障碍】
9.
"In
every
end,
there
is
also
a
beginning.
"
-
Libba
Bray.
【元旦,为新开始点亮生命的火炬】
10.
"May
your
coming
year
be
filled
with
magic
and
dreams
and
good
madness.
hope
you
read
some
fine
books
and
kiss
someone
who
thinks
you're
wonderful,
and
don't
forget
to
make
some
art
-
write
or
draw
or
build
or
sing
or
live
as
only
you
can.
"
-
Neil
Gaiman.
【元旦,创造属于自己的精彩人生】
11.
"We
will
open
the
book.
Its
pages
are
blank.
We
are
going
to
put
words
on
them
ourselves.
The
book
is
called
Opportunity
and
its
first
chapter
is
New
Year's
Day.
"
-
Edith
Lovejoy
Pierce.
【元旦,书写属于自己的机会和奇迹】
12.
"The
new
year
stands
before
us,
like
a
chapter
in
a
book,
waiting
to
be
written.
"
-
Melody
Beattie.
【元旦,为人生描绘下一段华丽的篇章】
13.
"May
the
New
Year
bring
you
courage
to
break
your
resolutions
early!
My
own
plan
is
to
swear
off
every
kind
of
virtue,
so
that
triumph
even
when
fall!"
-
Aleister
Crowley.
【元旦,勇敢突破自己,挑战极限】
14.
"Ring
out
the
old,
ring
in
the
new,
Ring,
happy
bells,
across
the
snow:
The
year
is
going,
let
him
go;
Ring
out
the
false,
ring
in
the
true.
"
-
Alfred
Lord
Tennyson.
【元旦,告别旧年,迎接新生】
15.
"May
your
walls
know
joy,
may
every
room
hold
laughter,
and
every
window
open
to
great
possibility.
"
-
Mary
Anne
Radmacher.
【元旦,让生命的每一处都充满美好与可能】
16.
"Although
no
one
can
go
back
and
make
a
brand
new
start,
anyone
can
start
from
now
and
make
a
brand
new
ending.
"
-
Carl
Bard.
【元旦,从现在开始,铸造属于自己的结局】
17.
"The
object
of
a
new
year
is
not
that
we
should
have
a
new
year.
It
is
that
we
should
have
a
new
soul
and
a
new
nose,
new
feet,
a
new
backbone,
new
ears,
and
new
eyes.
"
-
G.
K.
Chesterton.
【元旦,焕发全新的自我】
18.
"Celebrate
what
you
want
to
see
more
of.
"
-
Tom
Peters.
【元旦,庆祝你渴望的美好】
19.
"Hope
smiles
from
the
threshold
of
the
year
to
come,
whispering,
'It
will
be
happier'.
.
.
"
-
Alfred
Lord
Tennyson.
【元旦,满怀希望与幸福向新年迈进】
20.
"The
best
way
to
predict
the
future
is
to
create
it.
"
-
Abraham
Lincoln.
【元旦,让我们一起创造一个精彩的未来】