.jpg)
1.
“Without
coffee,
my
mornings
are
just
a
series
of
unfortunate
events.
”】
2.
“Coffee
is
not
just
a
drink,
it’s
my
morning
hug
in
a
mug.
”】
3.
“Life
without
coffee
is
like
a
year
without
summer.
”】
4.
“A
day
without
coffee
is
a
day
without
sunshine.
”】
5.
“I
don’t
need
an
alarm
clock,
wake
up
with
the
scent
of
fresh
coffee
brewing.
”】
6.
“Coffee
is
not
a
luxury,
it’s
a
necessity.
”】
7.
“Coffee,
because
adulting
is
hard.
”】
8.
“I
can
handle
anything
with
a
cup
of
coffee
in
my
hand.
”】
9.
“Coffee
is
my
daily
dose
of
sanity.
”】
10.
“I
haven’t
had
my
coffee
yet,
don’t
make
me
kill
you.
”】
11.
“Coffee,
the
liquid
that
fuels
the
modern
world.
”】
12.
“I
have
a
degree
in
coffeeology.
”】
13.
“Before
coffee
I’m
a
hot
mess,
after
coffee
I’m
a
functioning
hot
mess.
”】
14.
“I’d
rather
be
someone’s
shot
of
whiskey
than
everyone’s
cup
of
tea,
except
for
when
it
comes
to
coffee.
”】
15.
“I
don’t
speak
until
I’ve
had
my
coffee.
”】
16.
“I
love
it
when
the
coffee
kicks
in
and
realize
what
an
adorable
badass
I’m
going
to
be
today.
”】
17.
“Coffee,
the
fuel
for
the
world’s
most
productive
people.
”】
18.
“A
coffee
a
day
keeps
the
grumpy
away.
”】
19.
“Life
is
too
short
for
bad
coffee.
”】
20.
“Coffee
is
the
answer,
no
matter
what
the
question
is.
”】