.jpg)
1.
"Apologies
don't
erase
the
mistakes,
but
they
do
show
that
we
care
enough
to
try
and
make
things
right.
"
【道歉,虽不能抹去过错,却能显示我们愿意认错并努力补救。
】
2.
"Saying
sorry
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
rather
a
courageous
act
of
accepting
one's
faults
and
responsibilities.
"
【道歉不是软弱的表现,相反,是勇于承认自己错误和责任的勇敢行为。
】
3.
"An
apology
goes
beyond
the
words
we
say.
It's
about
our
willingness
to
change
our
behavior
and
make
things
right.
"
【一个道歉不仅仅是说了几个字,更要看我们是否有意改变自己的行为并让事情变得更好。
】
4.
"When
we
apologize,
we
acknowledge
the
hurt
we've
caused
and
show
that
we
are
committed
to
healing
and
restoring
what
was
broken.
"
【当我们道歉时,我们承认了我们所带来的伤害,并展现了我们修补、恢复错误所造成的影响的决心。
】
5.
"The
most
sincere
apologies
come
from
the
heart,
not
from
the
mouth
or
the
pen.
"
【最真诚的道歉来自我们的内心,而不是口头或笔头上的表达。
】
6.
"It
takes
courage
to
admit
when
we
are
wrong
and
apologize,
but
it
takes
even
more
courage
to
forgive
and
move
forward.
"
【承认错误并道歉需要勇气,但能够宽恕并继续前行需要更大的勇气。
】
7.
"A
well-crafted
apology
can
mend
a
broken
relationship,
but
it
takes
consistent
action
to
sustain
it.
"
【一份好的道歉可以修复破裂的关系,但维持关系需要持续的行动。
】
8.
"An
apology
is
not
about
putting
the
blame
on
someone
else,
but
about
owning
up
to
our
own
mistakes.
"
【道歉不是归咎于他人,而是承认我们自己的错误。
】
9.
"Through
our
apologies,
we
show
that
we
value
the
relationship
more
than
our
own
pride
or
ego.
"
【通过我们的道歉,我们表明我们更看重关系而非我们自己的自尊或自我。
】
10.
"In
apologizing,
we
acknowledge
our
humanity
and
fallibility,
and
express
our
desire
for
forgiveness
and
understanding.
"
【在道歉时,我们承认了我们的人性和缺陷,并表达了对宽恕和理解的渴望。
】
11.
"Forgiveness
is
not
always
easy,
but
it
is
necessary
for
our
own
healing
and
growth.
"
【宽恕并不总是容易,但它对我们自身的疗愈和成长是必要的。
】
12.
"When
we
apologize,
we
open
the
door
to
forgiveness
and
create
the
opportunity
for
reconciliation.
"
【当我们道歉时,我们打开了宽恕的门户,创造了和解的机会。
】
13.
"An
apology
is
not
a
guarantee
that
everything
will
be
perfect,
but
it
is
a
step
towards
healing
and
making
things
right.
"
【道歉不是保证一切都会变得完美,但它是朝着疗愈和纠正错事的一步。
】
14.
"True
remorse
goes
beyond
saying
sorry.
It
involves
taking
responsibility,
making
amends,
and
changing
our
behavior.
"
【真正的懊悔超越了表达歉意,它涉及到承担责任、赔偿、并积极改变我们的行为。
】
15.
"Apologizing
means
recognizing
that
we
have
hurt
someone,
and
that
their
feelings
and
well-being
matter
to
us.
"
【道歉意味着认识到我们的行为伤害了某人,他们的感受和幸福对我们来说很重要。
】
16.
"An
apology
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
mark
of
courage
and
integrity.
"
【道歉不是软弱的标志,而是勇气和诚实的标志。
】
17.
"Forgiveness
allows
us
to
move
forward
and
let
go
of
the
hurt
and
pain
from
the
past.
"
【宽恕使我们能够前进,放下过去的伤害和痛苦。
】
18.
"When
we
apologize,
we
show
that
we
are
capable
of
growth
and
improving
ourselves.
"
【当我们道歉时,我们表明我们有增长和改进自己的能力。
】
19.
"A
sincere
apology
is
not
just
about
expressing
regret,
but
also
about
making
a
sincere
effort
to
avoid
making
the
same
mistakes
in
the
future.
"
【真诚的道歉不仅仅是表达遗憾,还包括努力避免在未来犯同样的错误。
】
20.
"Apologies
are
bridges
we
build
to
connect
us
with
people
we
care
about,
even
after
we've
hurt
them.
"
【道歉是我们与那些我们关心的人建立联系的桥梁,即使我们曾经伤害过他们。
】