.jpg)
1.
“Slow
down
and
enjoy
the
little
things
in
life,
for
one
day
you
will
look
back
and
realize
they
were
the
big
things.
”【人生需要放慢脚步,好好享受那些微小的幸福,因为有一天你回头看时才会发现它们都是最重要的。
】
2.
“Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don't
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
”【生活很快,如果你不停下脚步,偶尔抬头看看,你可能会错过它。
】
3.
“Slow
down
and
be
calm,
for
peace
is
the
ultimate
beauty
in
life.
”【放慢脚步,保持平静,因为平和是人生最终美丽的体现。
】
4.
“In
today's
fast-paced
world,
it
is
more
important
than
ever
to
slow
down
and
be
present
in
the
moment.
”【在今天这个快节奏的世界里,放慢脚步、当下才是最重要的。
】
5.
“Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
it
is
a
journey.
So
take
your
time,
slow
down
and
enjoy
every
moment
along
the
way.
”【幸福不是终点,而是旅程。
所以走得慢一点,好好享受旅途的每一个瞬间。
】
6.
“Life
is
too
short
to
be
in
a
hurry
all
the
time.
Take
a
deep
breath,
slow
down,
and
enjoy
the
moment
as
it
is.
”【生命太短暂,无需一直匆忙。
深呼吸,放慢脚步,好好珍惜眼前的每一个瞬间。
】
7.
“We
often
rush
through
life,
trying
to
get
to
the
next
big
thing.
But
sometimes,
it's
the
little
things
that
we
should
be
paying
attention
to.
”【我们常常匆忙地走过生命中的每一步,试图追寻下一个大目标。
然而有时候,我们应该更加关注那些看似微小却举足轻重的事物。
】
8.
“The
best
way
to
enjoy
life
is
to
slow
down
and
appreciate
the
beauty
of
everyday
moments.
”【享受生活的最好方法是放慢脚步,欣赏每一天的美好瞬间。
】
9.
“We
don't
need
more
time,
we
just
need
to
slow
down
and
make
better
use
of
the
time
we
have.
”【我们不需要更多的时间,只需要放慢脚步,更好地利用我们拥有的时间。
】
10.
“Life
isn't
a
race,
so
there's
no
need
to
hurry.
Take
your
time,
enjoy
the
scenery,
and
make
the
most
of
every
opportunity
that
comes
your
way.
”【生活不是一场竞赛,没有必要匆忙前进。
花时间欣赏美景,珍惜每一个机会。
】
11.
“When
we
slow
down,
we
create
more
space
to
connect
with
ourselves
and
the
world
around
us.
”【当我们放慢脚步,就会有更多的时间,与自己和周围的世界建立联系。
】
12.
“The
slower
we
move,
the
more
we
can
see.
And
the
more
we
see,
the
more
we
can
appreciate
the
beauty
of
life.
”【我们走得越慢,就看得越多;越看得多,就会更加欣赏生命的美丽。
】
13.
“It
is
not
about
how
fast
we
go,
but
how
deeply
we
go
that
makes
a
difference
in
our
lives.
”【重要的不是我们走得有多快,而是我们能走得有多深,才能改变我们的生活。
】
14.
“In
a
world
that
is
always
rushing
forward,
sometimes
the
best
thing
we
can
do
is
take
a
step
back
and
slow
down.
”【在一个总是匆忙向前的世界里,有时候放慢脚步,退后一步,才是最好的选择。
】
15.
“Life
is
too
beautiful
to
rush
through.
Take
your
time,
savor
each
moment,
and
enjoy
the
journey.
”【生活太美好了,不值得匆匆而过。
花时间品味每一个瞬间,享受这段旅程。
】
16.
“Slowing
down
is
a
way
of
taking
care
of
ourselves
and
our
mental
well-being.
”【放慢脚步,是我们照顾自己和心理健康的一种方式。
】
17.
“The
more
we
slow
down,
the
more
we
can
listen
to
our
hearts
and
follow
our
true
passions
in
life.
”【我们越放慢脚步,就越能聆听内心的声音,追随我们生命中真正的激情。
】
18.
“When
we
rush
through
things,
we
miss
the
details
that
make
life
so
beautiful.
”【当我们匆忙走过生命中的每件事情,就会错过让生命如此美好的细节。
】
19.
“Slowing
down
is
a
way
of
reminding
ourselves
that
there
is
more
to
life
than
just
accomplishments
and
productivity.
”【放慢脚步,是提醒自己生活中不只有成就和效率的一种方式。
】
20.
“In
a
world
that
values
speed
and
efficiency
above
all
else,
slowing
down
is
a
radical
act
of
rebellion.
”【在一个追求速度和效率胜过一切的世界里,放慢脚步,是一种彻底的反叛行为。
】