.jpg)
1.
"Books
are
the
wings
that
help
us
soar
above
the
limitations
of
our
ordinary
lives.
"
【书籍是让我们翱翔在平凡生活之上的翅膀。
】
2.
"Reading
is
like
traveling
to
different
worlds
without
ever
leaving
your
seat.
"
【阅读就像不出座位就能到达不同的世界。
】
3.
"A
good
book
can
be
a
faithful
friend,
always
ready
to
give
comfort,
advice,
and
entertainment.
"
【一本好书就像一个忠实的朋友,能提供安慰、建议和娱乐。
】
4.
"The
more
you
read,
the
more
you
know.
The
more
you
know,
the
more
you
grow.
"
【读书越多,知识也就越多。
知识越多,也就越有成长。
】
5.
"Books
are
not
just
for
entertainment,
they
can
also
change
our
perspectives
and
transform
our
lives.
"
【书籍不仅仅是为了娱乐,它们还能改变我们的视角,改变我们的生活。
】
6.
"Reading
is
a
form
of
self-care
that
nourishes
the
mind
and
the
soul.
"
【阅读是一种自我关爱的方式,滋养着心灵和灵魂。
】
7.
"The
best
books
are
those
that
challenge
us
to
think
and
question
the
world
around
us.
"
【最好的书籍是那些挑战我们去思考和质疑周围世界的。
】
8.
"Books
have
the
power
to
take
us
on
emotional
journeys
that
stay
with
us
for
a
lifetime.
"
【书籍有能力把我们带上让人终生难忘的感性旅程。
】
9.
"A
book
can
become
a
cherished
treasure,
passed
down
through
generations
as
a
symbol
of
love
and
knowledge.
"
【一本书可以成为备受珍视的财宝,代代相传,象征着爱和知识。
】
10.
"Books
offer
a
safe
haven,
a
place
to
escape
to
when
the
outside
world
becomes
too
overwhelming.
"
【书籍提供一个安全的避难所,当外面的世界变得太过压倒性的时候。
】
11.
"The
beauty
of
literature
is
that
it
speaks
to
people
from
all
walks
of
life
and
brings
them
together
in
a
shared
experience.
"
【文学之美在于它能沟通各行各业的人,把他们连结在共同的经历中。
】
12.
"A
true
book
lover
never
has
enough
time
to
read
all
the
books
they
want
to.
"
【一个真正的书籍爱好者永远没有足够的时间去读他们想读的所有书籍。
】
13.
"Reading
is
a
way
to
gain
knowledge
and
empathy,
to
see
the
world
through
someone
else’s
eyes.
”
【阅读是一种获得知识和同理心的方法,能从别人的眼中看世界。
】
14.
"The
best
books
take
you
on
a
journey
and
leave
you
feeling
changed.
"
【最好的书籍会带你踏上一场旅程,留下让人感觉到变化的感受。
】
15.
"Reading
is
like
breathing
for
book
lovers,
they
simply
cannot
live
without
it.
"
【对于书籍爱好者来说,阅读就像呼吸一样重要,生活中必不可少。
】
16.
"Books
have
the
power
to
open
up
new
worlds
and
possibilities
that
we
might
never
have
considered
before.
"
【书籍有能力打开新的世界和可能性,那些我们以前从未考虑过的。
】
17.
"Reading
a
good
book
is
a
form
of
self-discovery,
allowing
us
to
learn
more
about
who
we
are
and
what
we
value.
"
【读一本好书是一种自我发现的方式,让我们更了解自己,知道什么是重要的。
】
18.
"The
more
we
read,
the
more
curious
we
become
about
the
world
and
the
people
in
it.
"
【我们读的越多,就会对这个世界和其中的人更加好奇。
】
19.
"A
book
is
a
portal
to
new
worlds,
new
ideas,
and
new
perspectives.
"
【一本书是通往新世界、新思想和新观点的门户。
】
20.
"Reading
is
a
lifelong
adventure
that
never
truly
ends.
"
【阅读是一生的冒险,永远没有真正的终点。
】