.jpg)
1.
"Driving
a
Tesla
feels
like
a
glimpse
into
the
future
of
transportation"
【感受特斯拉驾车,就像看到了未来的交通】
2.
"Charging
up
my
Tesla
is
as
easy
as
plugging
in
my
phone"
【给特斯拉充电就像给手机充电一样方便】
3.
"I
love
the
fact
that
my
Tesla
is
environmentally
friendly"
【我喜欢特斯拉环保的使用特点】
4.
"Autopilot
mode
in
my
Tesla
makes
road
trips
effortless"
【特斯拉的自动驾驶功能使路途轻松无压力】
5.
"My
Tesla
is
not
just
a
car,
it's
a
piece
of
cutting-edge
technology"
【我的特斯拉不仅是一辆车,更是一件颇为尖端的科技】
6.
"One
of
the
best
things
about
owning
a
Tesla
is
being
a
part
of
a
community
of
passionate
enthusiasts"
【拥有特斯拉最美好的一面之一就是和充满激情的电动汽车爱好者们在一起】
7.
"I
never
thought
driving
could
be
so
much
fun
until
got
behind
the
wheel
of
a
Tesla"
【在我开上特斯拉之前,我从未想过开车会如此有趣】
8.
"Every
time
take
my
Tesla
out
for
a
spin,
feel
like
I'm
driving
a
spaceship"
【每次开着特斯拉出去兜风,我都感觉自己在开一艘宇宙飞船】
9.
"The
sleek
and
stylish
design
of
the
Tesla
is
truly
a
work
of
art"
【特斯拉具有流线型简括的设计,完全符合艺术品的标准】
10.
"I
can
honestly
say
that
buying
a
Tesla
was
the
best
decision
ever
made"
【我可以诚实地说,购买一辆特斯拉是我做过的最好的决定之一】
11.
"Tesla's
constant
software
updates
make
me
feel
like
I'm
driving
a
brand
new
car
every
time"
【特斯拉不断提供软件更新,每次开车都感觉像开着一辆全新的汽车】
12.
"The
quiet
and
smooth
ride
of
a
Tesla
is
something
everyone
needs
to
experience
at
least
once"
【人人都应该至少试一试特斯拉的安静和顺畅的行驶体验】
13.
"The
Tesla
Model
may
be
expensive,
but
it's
worth
every
penny"
【特斯拉Model
S的价格可能很昂贵,但它绝对物有所值】
14.
"I
never
thought
could
be
so
in
love
with
a
car
until
met
my
Tesla"
【在遇到特斯拉之前,我从未想过我能如此爱上一辆车】
15.
"Owning
a
Tesla
has
taught
me
the
importance
of
sustainable
energy"
【拥有一辆特斯拉让我认识到了可持续能源的重要性】
16.
"The
Tesla
Roadster
2.
is
going
to
revolutionize
the
sports
car
industry"
【特斯拉Roadster
2.
0将完全颠覆跑车行业】
17.
"I
can't
imagine
ever
going
back
to
driving
a
gas-powered
car
after
experiencing
the
Tesla
life"
【在体验了特斯拉的生活之后,我想象不了还会回到开油动汽车的日子】
18.
"I
never
knew
could
have
so
much
fun
while
also
being
environmentally
conscious
until
got
my
Tesla"
【拥有特斯拉让我知道了环保和娱乐可以同时实现】
19.
"The
acceleration
of
a
Tesla
is
like
nothing
I've
ever
felt
before"
【特斯拉的加速度让我有种前所未有的感觉】
20.
"I
never
thought
a
car
could
be
my
best
friend
until
met
my
Tesla"
【在遇见特斯拉之前,我从未想过汽车也能成为我最好的朋友】