.jpg)
1.
“Music
is
the
universal
language
of
mankind.
”
-
Henry
Wadsworth
Longfellow】
2.
“When
words
fail,
music
speaks.
”
-
Hans
Christian
Andersen】
3.
“Music
is
the
strongest
form
of
magic.
”
-
Marilyn
Manson】
4.
“Where
words
leave
off,
music
begins.
”
-
Heinrich
Heine】
5.
“There
is
no
pain
so
great
as
the
memory
of
joy
in
present
grief.
”
-
Aeschylus】
6.
“Every
heart
sings
a
song,
incomplete,
until
another
heart
whispers
back.
Those
who
wish
to
sing
always
find
a
song.
At
the
touch
of
a
lover,
everyone
becomes
a
poet.
”
-
Plato】
7.
“The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
only
that
it
cannot
last
forever,
but
that
heartbreak
is
soon
forgotten.
”
-
William
Faulkner】
8.
“Sadness
flies
away
on
the
wings
of
time.
”
-
Jean
de
La
Fontaine】
9.
“The
wound
is
the
place
where
the
light
enters
you.
”
-
Rumi】
10.
“The
heart
was
made
to
be
broken.
”
-
Oscar
Wilde】
11.
“I
think
of
myself
as
an
intelligent,
sensitive
human
being
with
the
soul
of
a
clown
which
always
forces
me
to
blow
it
at
the
most
important
moments.
”
-
Jim
Morrison】
12.
“All
good
music
resembles
something.
Good
music
stirs
by
its
mysterious
resemblance
to
the
objects
and
feelings
which
motivated
it.
”
-
Jean
Cocteau】
13.
“We
don't
make
mistakes,
just
happy
little
accidents.
”
-
Bob
Ross】
14.
“The
purpose
of
art
is
to
make
the
invisible
visible.
”
-
Paul
Klee】
15.
“The
art
of
music
is
the
expression
of
the
soul
in
sound.
”
-
Walter
Savage
Landor】
16.
“Sadness
is
but
a
wall
between
two
gardens.
”
-
Kahlil
Gibran】
17.
“My
music
will
go
on
forever.
Maybe
it's
a
fool
say
that,
but
when
me
know
facts
me
can
say
facts.
My
music
will
go
on
forever.
”-
Bob
Marley】
18.
“Without
music,
life
would
be
a
mistake.
”
-
Friedrich
Nietzsche】
19.
“I
can't
understand
why
people
are
frightened
of
new
ideas.
I'm
frightened
of
the
old
ones.
”
-
John
Cage】
20.
“The
best
way
to
predict
the
future
is
to
create
it.
”
-
Peter
Drucker】