.jpg)
1.
"We
are
all
lost
stars
trying
to
find
our
way
back
to
the
universe.
"
【-Unknown】
2.
"It's
the
depth
of
our
pain
that
reminds
us
how
beautiful
the
sky
can
be.
"
【-Tyler
Knott
Gregson】
3.
"The
most
beautiful
people
we
have
known
are
those
who
have
known
defeat,
known
suffering,
known
struggle,
known
loss,
and
have
found
their
way
out
of
the
depths.
"
【-Elisabeth
Kubler-Ross】
4.
"Sometimes
the
strongest
among
us
are
the
ones
who
smile
through
silent
pain,
cry
behind
closed
doors,
and
fight
battles
nobody
knows
about.
"
【-Unknown】
5.
"The
light
at
the
end
of
the
tunnel
may
be
an
illusion,
but
the
journey
through
the
tunnel
is
real.
"
【-Aldo
Schiavone】
6.
"There
is
no
greater
agony
than
bearing
an
untold
story
inside
you.
"
【-Maya
Angelou】
7.
"The
most
painful
thing
is
losing
yourself
in
the
process
of
loving
someone
too
much,
and
forgetting
that
you
are
special
too.
"
【-Ernest
Hemingway】
8.
"The
loneliest
moment
in
someone's
life
is
when
they
are
watching
their
whole
world
fall
apart,
and
all
they
can
do
is
stare
blankly.
"
【-F.
Scott
Fitzgerald】
9.
"The
sky
isn't
always
blue.
The
sun
doesn't
always
shine.
So
it's
okay
to
fall
apart
sometimes.
"
【-Unknown】
10.
"I
can't
change
the
direction
of
the
wind,
but
can
adjust
my
sails
to
always
reach
my
destination.
"
【-Jimmy
Dean】
11.
"We
don't
meet
people
by
accident.
They
are
meant
to
cross
our
path
for
a
reason.
"
【-Unknown】
12.
"We
were
all
humans
until
race
disconnected
us,
religion
separated
us,
politics
divided
us,
and
wealth
classified
us.
"
【-Unknown】
13.
"Don't
be
pushed
around
by
the
fears
in
your
mind.
Be
led
by
the
dreams
in
your
heart.
"
【-Roy
T.
Bennett】
14.
"If
you
look
at
what
you
have
in
life,
you'll
always
have
more.
If
you
look
at
what
you
don't
have
in
life,
you'll
never
have
enough.
"
【-Oprah
Winfrey】
15.
"Sometimes
the
smallest
step
in
the
right
direction
ends
up
being
the
biggest
step
of
your
life.
Tiptoe
if
you
must,
but
take
the
step.
"
【-Unknown】
16.
"Not
all
storms
come
to
disrupt
your
life,
some
come
to
clear
your
path.
"
【-Unknown】
17.
"I
am
not
a
product
of
my
circumstances.
am
a
product
of
my
decisions.
"
【-Stephen
Covey】
18.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【-Nelson
Mandela】
19.
"In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
be
kind.
"
【-Unknown】
20.
"Life
is
not
a
problem
to
be
solved,
but
a
reality
to
be
experienced.
"
【-Soren
Kierkegaard】