.jpg)
1.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
they
are
just
temporary
absences.
"
【#farewellquotes】
2.
"It
hurts
to
say
goodbye,
but
it
hurts
even
more
to
hold
back
tears
and
fake
a
smile.
"
【#goodbyepain】
3.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
that
shall
say
goodnight
till
it
be
morrow.
"
【#shakespearequotes】
4.
"Missing
someone
gets
easier
every
day
because
even
though
you
are
one
day
further
from
the
last
time
you
saw
them,
you
are
one
day
closer
to
the
next
time
you
will.
"
【#missingsomeone】
5.
"Never
say
goodbye
because
saying
goodbye
means
going
away
and
going
away
means
forgetting.
"
【#goodbyeforgetful】
6.
"The
hardest
part
of
saying
goodbye
is
understanding
that
you
may
never
see
that
person
again.
"
【#goodbyeheartbreak】
7.
"Saying
goodbye
doesn't
mean
anything.
It's
the
time
we
spent
together
that
matters,
not
how
we
left
it.
"
【#goodbyememories】
8.
"Don't
cry
because
it's
over,
smile
because
it
happened.
"
【#goodbyesmile】
9.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
let
go
is
to
say
goodbye.
"
【#saygoodbye】
10.
"I
may
be
saying
goodbye,
but
it
doesn't
mean
I'm
gone
forever.
"
【#goodbyenotforever】
11.
"The
only
time
goodbye
is
painful
is
when
you
know
you'll
never
say
hello
again.
"
【#finalgoodbye】
12.
"You
never
know
what
you
have
until
you
say
goodbye.
"
【#appreciationgoodbye】
13.
"Goodbyes
are
not
the
end.
They
simply
mean
I'll
miss
you
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#seeyouagain】
14.
"Sometimes
the
best
thing
you
can
do
is
say
goodbye
and
start
anew.
"
【#startanew】
15.
"It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts,
but
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
"
【#painfulgoodbye】
16.
"There
are
no
goodbyes
for
us.
Wherever
you
are,
you
will
always
be
in
my
heart.
"
【#inmyheart】
17.
"Every
goodbye
makes
the
next
hello
closer.
"
【#hellocloser】
18.
"It
is
only
through
goodbyes
and
losses
that
we
can
appreciate
the
true
value
of
what
we
once
had.
"
【#valueofloss】
19.
"Don't
be
dismayed
at
goodbyes.
farewell
is
necessary
before
you
can
meet
again.
"
【#necessaryfarewell】
20.
"Saying
goodbye
is
not
the
end,
it's
a
new
beginning.
"
【#newbeginnings】