1.
"Every
word
you
write
to
me
is
like
a
love
letter
that
treasure
forever.
"
【感恩相伴】
2.
"In
your
letters,
can
feel
your
heart
beating
and
your
soul
speaking
to
mine.
"
【心有灵犀】
3.
"Your
words
hold
more
power
than
any
poem
or
sonnet
have
ever
read.
"
【言简意赅】
4.
"Through
letters,
distance
melts
away
and
we
are
closer
than
ever
before.
"
【距离拉近了心的距离】
5.
"You
paint
beautiful
pictures
with
your
words
and
am
in
awe
of
your
talent.
"
【情深意长】
6.
"Nothing
compares
to
the
feeling
of
opening
a
letter
from
you
and
reading
your
words
of
love.
"
【笔耕不辍】
7.
"With
each
sentence,
fall
deeper
in
love
with
you
and
your
beautiful
soul.
"
【爱恋长存】
8.
"Your
letters
are
more
precious
to
me
than
any
diamond
or
pearl.
"
【真挚感动】
9.
"Your
words
are
like
a
warm
embrace
that
comforts
me
when
am
feeling
lost.
"
【相依相伴】
10.
"I
treasure
every
word
you
write
to
me
because
each
one
is
a
love
note
to
my
heart.
"
【笔下情深】
11.
"Your
letters
are
a
reminder
that
distance
cannot
weaken
the
bond
of
true
love.
"
【相思如痴】
12.
"With
each
stroke
of
your
pen,
feel
more
and
more
drawn
to
you
and
your
poetic
soul.
"
【意境悠远】
13.
"Your
words
of
love
are
like
a
beautiful
melody
that
lingers
in
my
heart
and
lifts
my
spirit.
"
【音律清晰】
14.
"I
am
forever
grateful
for
the
love
letters
you
send,
they
are
a
precious
gift
that
cherish
always.
"
【万千宠爱】
15.
"Through
your
letters,
feel
like
know
you
better
than
anyone
else
in
the
world.
"
【心领神会】
16.
"Your
letters
always
brighten
my
day
and
put
a
smile
on
my
face
no
matter
how
difficult
life
may
be.
"
【唯愿与你同在】
17.
"With
every
letter,
can
feel
the
depth
of
your
love
growing
stronger
and
deeper
within
me.
"
【芬芳萦绕】
18.
"Your
words
are
a
testament
to
the
power
of
love
and
the
beauty
of
the
human
heart.
"
【因你笑颜如花】
19.
"I
will
keep
every
letter
you
send
me
as
a
treasure
that
reminds
me
of
your
love
and
devotion.
"
【永远珍藏】
20.
"In
this
world
of
instant
messages
and
fleeting
connections,
your
love
letters
are
a
reminder
that
true
love
endures.
"
【情意绵绵】