1.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
not
finding
someone
to
spend
it
with,
but
finding
that
person
who
truly
makes
it
worth
living.
"
【相守】
2.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
be
true
to
yourself,
especially
when
others
want
you
to
be
someone
else.
"
【生活最难】
3.
"The
hardest
decision
you'll
ever
make
in
life
is
whether
to
walk
away
or
try
harder.
"
【相守】
4.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
learning
to
let
go
of
what
you
thought
was
real.
"
【生活最难】
5.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
find
your
own
voice
in
a
world
that
wants
you
to
conform.
"
【相守】
6.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
forgive
yourself
for
the
mistakes
you've
made.
"
【生活最难】
7.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
realizing
that
sometimes
the
people
you
love
the
most
will
hurt
you
the
most.
"
【相守】
8.
"The
hardest
challenge
in
life
is
to
maintain
a
positive
mindset
in
the
face
of
adversity.
"
【生活最难】
9.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
overcome
the
fear
of
failure
and
take
a
chance
on
your
dreams.
"
【相守】
10.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
accepting
that
you
cannot
control
everything.
"
【生活最难】
11.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
face
the
truth,
even
when
it's
painful.
"
【相守】
12.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
learning
to
be
okay
with
being
alone,
instead
of
settling
for
the
wrong
person.
"
【生活最难】
13.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
be
true
to
your
convictions,
even
when
they
go
against
the
norm.
"
【相守】
14.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
accepting
that
not
everyone
will
like
you,
and
that's
okay.
"
【生活最难】
15.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
overcome
the
fear
of
rejection
and
put
yourself
out
there.
"
【相守】
16.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
learning
to
be
patient
and
wait
for
the
things
you
truly
want.
"
【生活最难】
17.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
stay
true
to
your
values,
even
when
it's
easier
to
compromise.
"
【相守】
18.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
learning
to
trust
again,
after
you've
been
hurt.
"
【生活最难】
19.
"The
hardest
thing
in
life
is
to
accept
that
some
things
cannot
be
fixed
or
changed.
"
【相守】
20.
"The
hardest
part
of
life
is
to
find
the
courage
to
love
again,
after
you've
been
heartbroken.
"
【生活最难】