.jpg)
1.
Escaping
the
mundane
routine
of
life,
I'm
basking
in
the
warmth
of
vacation
bliss.
【放假让心情变成蓝天白云般明媚】
2.
Every
new
destination
holds
a
promise
of
adventure
and
discovery.
【旅行的欢乐就是遇见意想不到的美好】
3.
The
idea
of
spending
lazy
afternoons
reading
my
favorite
book
excites
me
beyond
words.
【放空时光,品尝阅读的甜蜜滋味】
4.
Whether
it's
a
staycation
or
a
globetrotting
escapade,
a
break
from
the
daily
humdrum
is
much
needed.
【不管在哪,离开纷繁的世界找回自我】
5.
With
vacation
as
my
compass,
I'm
ready
to
explore
uncharted
territories.
【以放假为罗盘,开启未知的旅程】
6.
The
days
stretch
ahead
like
an
endless
horizon,
and
I'm
loving
every
moment
of
it.
【日子就像无尽的地平线,而我正享受每一刻】
7.
Time
seems
to
lose
its
meaning
in
the
fairy
tale
like
surroundings
of
my
vacation
spot.
【放假,仿佛身处童话般的绝美景色中】
8.
The
absence
of
stress
and
deadlines
has
cast
a
spell
of
rejuvenation
on
my
mind
and
soul.
【没有压力和截止日期,放松心灵,焕发能量】
9.
Waking
up
to
a
brand
new
day
without
any
set
agenda
is
a
luxury
could
get
used
to.
【没有计划,每天都是新的开始】
10.
Every
activity,
from
a
midnight
stargazing
session
to
a
morning
hike,
feels
like
an
adventure.
【夜晚小憩或晨间漫步,每件事都像是一场奇妙探险】
11.
find
myself
lost
in
thoughts,
admiring
the
beauty
that
surrounds
me,
and
feeling
truly
grateful.
【思考着沉浸在身边美景之中,感受到真实的感恩心情】
12.
Escaping
to
a
serene
location
recharges
my
batteries
and
helps
me
rediscover
myself.
【静谧之地让我充电,找回真实的自我】
13.
Exploring
new
cuisines
and
flavors
is
one
of
my
favorite
things
to
do
while
on
vacation.
【品尝異國美食是旅途中喜欢做的事情】
14.
Surrounded
by
nothing
but
nature
has
put
things
in
perspective
and
helped
me
appreciate
the
little
things.
【身处大自然,更加珍惜生命中最小的幸福】
15.
always
return
from
a
holiday
with
new
stories
to
tell,
memories
to
cherish,
and
a
renewed
outlook
on
life.
【放假归来,充实的故事和珍视的美好回忆都会在我内心悄悄打开一扇新的大门】
16.
Getting
lost
in
a
new
city,
interacting
with
locals,
and
creating
unforgettable
experiences
is
a
vacation
well-spent.
【走在未知的城市中,与当地人交互并创造难以忘怀的经历,这才是我们想要的完美旅行】
17.
On
vacation
time
flows
at
a
leisurely
pace,
allowing
us
to
savor
every
moment
and
truly
live
in
the
present.
【放假,时间变得缓慢,让我们珍惜每一个当下时刻】
18.
Whether
it's
basking
in
the
sun
on
a
sandy
beach
or
skiing
down
majestic
mountains,
vacation
has
something
for
everyone.
【无论是欣赏沙滩渡假中的阳光,还是被宏伟山山吸引的滑雪旅行,放假的选择绝不令人失望】
19.
The
happiness
that
comes
with
exploring
new
places
and
meeting
new
people
is
truly
priceless.
【探索新地址与结识新朋友所带来的快乐是金钱所无法替代的】
20.
Life
is
too
short
not
to
explore
the
world
and
experience
all
the
wonders
it
has
to
offer.
【生命太短,不去探索世界,体验奇迹性的生命,又怎么能让我们有所遗憾】