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1.
When
love
touches
your
soul,
it's
never
too
late
to
follow
your
heart.
【立刻行动,跟随内心的爱】
2.
single
act
of
kindness
can
ignite
a
spark
that
would
never
die.
【善良的举动能点燃永不熄灭的火花】
3.
Sometimes,
the
toughest
battles
are
won
with
the
softest
touch.
【柔情似水,却能攻克难关】
4.
Love
is
not
about
perfection,
but
about
acceptance
and
understanding.
【爱情不是追求完美,而是接纳和理解】
5.
In
the
face
of
life's
challenges,
a
little
kindness
can
go
a
long
way.
【生命中遭遇挑战时,温柔善良能远远地帮助我们】
6.
When
our
hearts
connect,
distance
is
nothing
but
a
mere
illusion.
【心灵相通,距离只是虚幻的障眼法】
7.
In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
love
is
the
only
constant
that
we
can
hold
onto.
【在混沌的世界里,唯有爱是我们能坚持的不变真理】
8.
True
love
is
timeless,
and
it
never
fades
away
with
the
passing
of
time.
【真正的爱是永恒的,时间无法冲淡它】
9.
When
two
people
share
the
same
dream,
nothing
can
stand
in
their
way.
【当两个人拥有共同的梦想,没有什么能阻挡他们走向成功】
10.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
but
it's
a
choice
we
make
every
day.
【爱不仅是一种感觉,更是我们每天做出的选择】
11.
When
we
embrace
love,
our
hearts
become
filled
with
infinite
hope.
【当我们拥抱爱,我们的心中充满无限的希望】
12.
The
sweetest
moments
in
life
are
those
that
we
share
with
the
ones
we
love.
【生命中最甜蜜的时刻是和我们所爱的人在一起的时刻】
13.
In
the
midst
of
darkness,
love
is
the
light
that
guides
us
through.
【当全世界都归于黑暗,爱是照亮我们前行的光芒】
14.
Love
is
not
a
weakness,
but
a
source
of
strength
that
we
can
draw
from.
【爱不是软弱,而是我们可以借助的一种力量】
15.
The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
its
ability
to
heal
the
wounds
of
the
past
and
create
a
brighter
tomorrow.
【爱的美丽之处在于它能治愈过去的创伤,铸就美好的未来】
16.
Sometimes,
it's
not
about
finding
the
right
person,
but
about
creating
the
right
relationship.
【有时,我们需要创造属于我们的完美关系,而不是单纯寻找正确的伴侣】
17.
When
we
truly
love
someone,
their
happiness
becomes
our
own.
【当我们真正爱一个人,他们的幸福就变成了我们自己的幸福】
18.
The
warmth
of
love
is
like
the
sun,
it
has
the
power
to
melt
even
the
coldest
heart.
【爱的温暖就像太阳,即使最冷的心也能被它融化】
19.
Love
is
like
a
delicate
flower,
it
needs
care
and
attention
to
grow
and
thrive.
【爱如花儿一样娇嫩,需要呵护关爱才能茁壮成长】
20.
When
we
love
someone
unconditionally,
we
give
them
a
gift
that's
priceless.
【当我们无条件地爱一个人,我们给他们的礼物是无价的】