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1.
人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。
【Life
is
like
a
first
encounter,
why
should
autumn
wind
mourn
the
painted
fan.
】
2.
将来的日子里,我会牢牢地记住你的微笑。
【In
the
days
to
come,
will
always
remember
your
smile.
】
3.
在我心中,你是永恒的。
【In
my
heart,
you
are
eternal.
】
4.
幸福是和你一起看星星。
【Happiness
is
watching
stars
with
you.
】
5.
爱你无需道理,只因感受到你的温暖。
【Loving
you
needs
no
reason,
only
because
feel
your
warmth.
】
6.
天空辽阔,只为留下我们的回忆。
【The
sky
is
vast,
only
to
leave
our
memories.
】
7.
有一种幸福,是简单的相处和快乐的呼吸。
【There
is
a
kind
of
happiness
that
comes
from
simple
companionship
and
joyful
breathing.
】
8.
思念是最美好的情感,因为它证明有人值得我们去想念。
【Longing
is
the
most
beautiful
emotion,
because
it
proves
that
someone
is
worth
missing.
】
9.
只要坚定自己的方向,无论前方多少荆棘,都能走到最美好的远方。
【As
long
as
you
are
firm
in
your
direction,
no
matter
how
many
thorns
lie
ahead,
you
can
reach
the
best
distance.
】
10.
时间从不停歇,但爱情却可以跨越岁月长河。
【Time
never
stops,
but
love
can
cross
the
river
of
time.
】
11.
珍惜身边每一个人,因为我们无法替代沉淀在心底的那份感动。
【Cherish
everyone
around
you,
because
we
cannot
replace
the
emotions
that
settle
in
our
hearts.
】
12.
爱就像是一场盛大的饕餮盛宴,让人留连忘返。
【Love
is
like
a
grand
feast,
leaving
people
lingering
and
unforgettable.
】
13.
生命中总会有些匆匆而过的美好瞬间,但它们会在我们心灵深处留下永恒的印记。
【There
will
always
be
some
beautiful
fleeting
moments
in
life,
but
they
will
leave
eternal
marks
in
our
hearts.
】
14.
无论什么时候,只要你需要,我就在你身旁。
【Whenever
you
need
me,
am
by
your
side.
】
15.
用潮湿的眼睛和微笑面对回忆,那些痛苦和欢乐永远地陪伴着我们。
【We
face
memories
with
damp
eyes
and
smiles,
and
those
pains
and
joys
will
always
accompany
us.
】
16.
当你需要借助我的肩膀,不要忘记,我一直都在。
【When
you
need
to
lean
on
my
shoulders,
don't
forget,
am
always
here.
】
17.
热爱生活,因为它里面充满了无数美好的可能。
【Love
life,
because
it
is
full
of
countless
possibilities.
】
18.
在烦琐的生活中,只有懂得欣赏的人才能体会到美好的存在。
【In
the
tedious
life,
only
those
who
know
how
to
appreciate
can
experience
the
existence
of
beauty.
】
19.
快乐不是拥有的多少,而是自己对生活加的一份美好的情感。
【Happiness
is
not
about
how
much
you
have,
but
about
the
beautiful
emotions
you
add
to
your
life.
】
20.
只有那些看似平淡却真挚的感情,才是最多情的浪漫。
【Only
those
seemingly
plain
but
sincere
emotions
are
the
most
romantic.
】