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1.
Giving
up
doesn't
always
mean
you're
weak;
sometimes
it
means
you're
strong
enough
to
let
go.
【放弃并不总是意味着你软弱,有时候它表示你有足够的勇气放手。
】
2.
Walking
away
from
something
that
no
longer
serves
you
is
not
giving
up,
it's
self-care.
【从不再有意义的事物中走出来并不是放弃,而是关心自己。
】
3.
Letting
go
of
something
you
love
is
hard,
but
sometimes
necessary
for
your
own
well-being.
【放弃你所爱的东西可能很难,但有时对你的个人幸福是必要的。
】
4.
Sometimes
the
bravest
thing
you
can
do
is
admit
that
something
isn't
working
and
let
it
go.
【有时候最勇敢的事情是承认某事不管怎样已经行不通了,然后放手。
】
5.
Holding
on
to
something
that
hurts
you
only
keeps
you
from
finding
something
better.
【坚持一些伤害你的事情只会阻止你找到更好的东西。
】
6.
Giving
up
on
a
dream
can
be
painful,
but
sometimes
it's
necessary
to
make
room
for
new
ones.
【放弃梦想可能会很痛苦,但有时为新的梦想腾出空间是必要的。
】
7.
Know
that
it's
okay
to
walk
away
from
certain
people
or
situations
that
no
longer
align
with
your
values.
【知道离开某些人或情况是可以的,这些都已经不再符合你的价值观。
】
8.
Giving
up
isn't
the
end;
it's
simply
a
new
beginning.
【放弃并不是终点,它只是一个新的开始。
】
9.
Sometimes
the
things
we're
most
afraid
to
lose
are
the
very
things
we
need
to
let
go
of.
【有时我们最害怕失去的东西正是我们需要放手的东西。
】
10.
Saying
goodbye
to
something
that
once
brought
you
joy
can
be
difficult,
but
sometimes
it's
the
healthiest
choice.
【向曾经给你带来快乐的事物说再见可能很难,但有时这是最健康的选择。
】
11.
Don't
be
afraid
to
quit
something
that
no
longer
serves
your
growth
or
purpose.
【不要害怕放弃那些不再有助于你成长或达成目的的事情。
】
12.
Falling
down
doesn't
mean
you've
failed;
it
simply
means
it's
time
to
stand
back
up
and
try
again.
【跌倒并不意味着你失败了,它只是表示现在又是重新站起来再试一次的时候了。
】
13.
Giving
up
on
something
doesn't
mean
you're
weak;
it
means
you're
strong
enough
to
prioritize
your
own
well-being.
【放弃某些事物并不意味着你软弱,它表示你有足够的力量来优先考虑自己的幸福。
】
14.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
no
longer
bring
you
happiness.
【生命太短暂了,没有必要浪费时间在那些已经无法带给你幸福的事情上。
】
15.
Sometimes
the
biggest
act
of
self-love
is
letting
go
of
things
that
no
longer
serve
your
highest
good.
【有时最大的自我爱是放弃那些不再对你的最高利益有益的东西。
】
16.
Giving
up
can
be
scary,
but
it
can
also
be
liberating.
【放弃可能会让人感到害怕,但它也可能会让人感到解脱。
】
17.
Letting
go
of
something
familiar
can
be
daunting,
but
it
can
also
lead
to
new
and
exciting
opportunities.
【放弃熟悉的事物可能会令人生畏,但它也可能会引发新的令人兴奋的机会。
】
18.
Know
that
it's
okay
to
change
your
mind
and
let
go
of
something
that
no
longer
serves
you.
【知道改变主意并放弃不再有用的事物是可以的。
】
19.
Giving
up
on
something
that's
no
longer
aligned
with
your
purpose
is
a
form
of
self-respect.
【放弃不再与你的目的相符的事情是一种自我尊重的表现。
】
20.
Remember
that
there's
strength
in
surrender
and
letting
go.
【记住,在放手和放弃中有勇气。
】