.jpg)
1.
When
we
embrace
each
challenge
as
an
opportunity
to
grow,
we
become
unstoppable.
【成长无可阻挡】
2.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
every
step
we
take
is
an
opportunity
to
learn
and
become
better
versions
of
ourselves.
【人生无尽路途】
3.
We
cannot
control
the
circumstances
we
are
born
into,
but
we
can
control
how
we
respond
to
them.
【命运由己】
4.
Adversity
can
either
break
us
or
make
us
stronger.
The
choice
is
ours.
【逆境铸就成长】
5.
Greatness
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
【伟大来自不屈不挠】
6.
The
greatest
act
of
courage
is
not
in
taking
the
first
step,
but
in
continuing
forward
despite
the
fear.
【勇气来自坚持不懈】
7.
Our
struggles
today
will
be
our
strength
tomorrow,
if
we
have
the
courage
to
keep
moving
forward.
【今日之苦成明日之力】
8.
Every
obstacle
we
overcome
is
a
stepping
stone
towards
our
dreams.
【超越
obstacles,成就梦想】
9.
There
is
no
such
thing
as
failure,
only
learning
experiences
on
the
path
to
success.
【没有失败,只有通往成功的学习经验】
10.
Pain
and
struggle
are
the
raw
materials
of
growth
and
triumph.
【痛苦和挣扎是成长和胜利的原材料】
11.
When
we
are
pushed
to
our
limits,
we
discover
the
depths
of
our
own
strength
and
resilience.
【极限之时,见真我之强韧】
12.
Every
setback
is
an
opportunity
to
rise
again,
stronger
and
wiser
than
before.
【每一次挫折,都是强大的机会】
13.
Our
difficulties
do
not
define
us,
they
refine
us
into
the
best
versions
of
ourselves.
【挫折之磨随心而金】
14.
The
true
measure
of
success
is
not
in
wealth
or
status,
but
in
the
character
and
resilience
of
the
person
who
achieves
it.
【成功在于人格和韧性】
15.
There
are
no
shortcuts
to
greatness,
only
a
steady
commitment
to
growth
and
self-improvement.
【成就伟大,需要持之以恒的成长和自我提升】
16.
The
path
to
success
is
paved
with
challenges,
but
every
challenge
is
an
opportunity
for
growth
and
greatness.
【通往成功之路不易,但每一次挑战都是成长和伟大的机会】
17.
We
may
stumble
and
fall,
but
as
long
as
we
keep
getting
back
up,
we
will
ultimately
accomplish
our
goals.
【摔倒了就爬起来,终能实现目标】
18.
Our
greatest
triumphs
often
arise
out
of
our
greatest
struggles.
【最伟大的胜利往往源自最艰难的斗争】
19.
The
secret
to
success
is
not
in
avoiding
failure,
but
in
learning
from
it
and
becoming
better
for
it.
【成功的秘诀不在于避免失败,而在于从中吸取经验并不断成长】
20.
Every
great
work
begins
with
small
acts
of
courage
and
perseverance.
【伟大的作品源自小小的勇气和毅力】