.jpg)
1.
Move
it
to
improve
it!
【运动提升生活】
2.
Sweat
today,
smile
tomorrow!
【今天汗流满面,明日笑傲人生】
3.
Don't
wish
for
a
healthy
body,
work
for
it!
【健康身体不是心愿,而是付出】
4.
Exercise
is
the
key
to
a
healthy
life!
【运动是健康人生的关键】
5.
day
without
movement
is
a
missed
opportunity!
【一天不动,机会溜走】
6.
You
don't
have
to
be
great
to
start,
but
you
have
to
start
to
be
great!
【要想伟大,从开始做起】
7.
Work
hard
and
sweat
even
harder!
【努力后流汗更多】
8.
Exercise
is
the
best
therapy!
【运动是最好的疗愈】
9.
healthy
body
is
a
happy
life!
【健康身体,快乐生活】
10.
Don't
stop
when
you
are
tired,
stop
when
you
are
done!
【不是累了就停下,而是完成了目标】
11.
Move
it
or
lose
it!
【有运动,才有青春】
12.
The
only
bad
workout
is
the
one
that
didn't
happen!
【唯一的坏运动是没有运动】
13.
Strong
body,
strong
mind!
【身强则心强】
14.
If
it
doesn't
challenge
you,
it
doesn't
change
you!
【挑战自我,改变自我】
15.
The
more
you
sweat
in
training,
the
less
you
bleed
in
battle!
【训练流更多的汗水,战斗流更少的血】
16.
Your
body
hears
everything
your
mind
says,
so
stay
positive!
【身体会听取内心的一切,保持积极】
17.
The
hardest
step
is
always
the
first
one,
so
just
do
it!
【最难的是迈出第一步,所以就去做吧】
18.
Never
say
never,
just
say
today
is
not
over
yet!
【永远不要说永远做不了,只是今天还没有结束】
19.
Perseverance
is
the
key
to
success,
especially
in
sports!
【坚持是成功的关键,尤其在运动中】
20.
Make
time
for
yourself
and
your
health,
it's
worth
it!
【留出时间,照顾自己的健康,值得!
】