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1.
何须平常心,世事若浮云。
【Just
keep
a
calm
mind,
for
the
world
is
nothing
but
fleeting
clouds.
】
2.
繁华落尽,空留寂寥。
【Amidst
the
fallen
blossoms,
silence
prevails.
】
3.
万物皆有生死,何况人生几何。
【All
things
have
their
birth
and
death,
just
like
how
life
passes
by
quickly.
】
4.
红颜易老,情丝如丝。
【Beauty
fades
away
with
time,
but
feelings
remain
like
silk
thread.
】
5.
浮名虚誉,唯留心伤。
【Fame
and
glory
are
but
empty
words
-
they
only
leave
behind
a
wounded
heart.
】
6.
纷扰尘世,得失如梦。
【The
world
is
filled
with
chaos,
gain
and
loss
are
nothing
but
passing
dreams.
】
7.
人生若只如初见,又岂在纷繁世界。
【If
life
were
as
simple
as
our
first
encounter,
it
would
not
be
so
complicated
in
this
world.
】
8.
空留夜半清泪,情深处也难掩伤痛。
【Tears
flow
silently
in
the
middle
of
the
night,
and
hidden
beneath
deep
emotions
lie
the
wounds.
】
9.
余生漫长,又怎么能不去感悟几多风霜。
【Life
is
long,
and
how
can
we
not
experience
the
trials
and
tribulations
that
come
with
it?】
10.
世间繁华,终究难挡人心中的孤独。
【No
wealth
or
prosperity
of
this
world
can
ever
fill
the
void
in
our
hearts.
】
11.
一生所爱,能与谁共享。
【Those
whom
we
love
in
our
lifetime,
how
many
can
truly
share
them
with
us?】
12.
时光匆匆,曾经的梦想如今也已经魂归何处。
【Time
flies
by,
and
where
have
all
our
dreams
gone?】
13.
微笑背后,常藏着无尽的苦涩。
【Behind
every
smile,
there
might
be
a
hidden
sea
of
bitterness.
】
14.
世间总有离别,唯有爱的情感需要坚守。
【Partings
are
inevitable
in
this
world,
but
the
bonds
of
love
need
to
be
cherished.
】
15.
人生短暂,何以浪费时光于琐碎之事。
【Life
is
short,
why
waste
time
on
trivial
matters?】
16.
相濡以沫,何必求同生共死。
【Why
seek
death
together
when
we
can
support
each
other
through
the
ups
and
downs
of
life?】
17.
我无法阻拦岁月的流逝,却能与时间共赏美好。
【I
cannot
stop
time
from
slipping
away,
but
can
appreciate
its
beauty
while
it
lasts.
】
18.
世事如棋,一步错,步步错;人生无常,一念起,万念随。
【The
world
is
like
a
game
of
chess
-
one
wrong
move
leads
to
another.
Life
is
ever-changing
-
one
thought
arises,
countless
thoughts
follow.
】
19.
心中有爱,世间多美好。
【With
love
in
our
hearts,
the
world
becomes
a
more
beautiful
place.
】
20.
痛苦就像长夜,但是总有黎明的曙光。
【Pain
is
like
a
long
night,
but
there
will
always
be
a
dawn
to
light
our
way.
】