1.
Sometimes
the
rain
brings
more
clarity
than
the
sunshine.
【思雨方知晴】
2.
Life
is
not
always
sunny,
but
it
can
still
be
beautiful.
【人生无常谁又能预知未来的变化呢】
3.
The
rain
teaches
us
to
appreciate
the
sunshine.
【坏事变好事,好事变更好】
4.
rainbow
only
appears
after
the
rain.
【善待人生随时随地积极乐观】
5.
Rainy
days
can
make
us
value
the
simple
things
in
life.
【细品生命的滋味】
6.
We
cannot
control
the
weather,
but
we
can
control
our
attitude
towards
it.
【行动是成功的基础】
7.
The
rain
can
be
inconvenient,
but
it
is
necessary
for
growth.
【成长的艰辛是值得的】
8.
Life
is
a
balance
of
sunshine
and
rain.
【阳光和雨水的交织才是人生的真谛】
9.
Every
rainstorm
eventually
passes.
【黑夜过后就是朝阳】
10.
The
sun
always
shines
above
the
clouds.
【看懂风景,感受人生】
11.
little
rain
never
hurt
anyone,
embrace
it.
【拥抱雨季,感受生命的悸动】
12.
The
rain
reminds
us
that
even
storms
must
come
to
an
end.
【潦倒也是人生必经之路】
13.
Sunny
days
may
be
easy,
but
rainy
days
build
character.
【风雨同舟共筑品格】
14.
Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
but
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
【规划人生,世上无难事】
15.
Every
raindrop
is
a
fresh
start.
【拾起人生,从此开始】
16.
The
rain
may
delay
our
plans,
but
it
cannot
stop
our
progress.
【迎难而上勇攀高峰】
17.
Without
rain,
we
would
not
appreciate
the
beauty
of
a
rainbow.
【感受世间美好,珍惜每一刻】
18.
little
sunshine
during
a
rainstorm
can
bring
hope.
【在困境中期望光明前所未有的勇气】
19.
The
rain
washes
away
the
negativity
and
prepares
us
for
new
beginnings.
【擦亮心灵,为全新的未来打响号角】
20.
Nothing
lasts
forever,
including
storms.
【永远的人生,值得我们深深感恩和珍惜】